Chapter 4: Date time Cupcake

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My mouth dropped open. What should I say? What did I want to say? I couldn't believe it. I've only just met this guy, and he's already asking me out? I should say no, because it feels wrong to say yes but there is just something about this guy that draws me in and makes me want to find out more. He has his sunglasses back on and I can't see his beautiful eyes but his smile is so... so enchanting!

"But I don't know you" I say

"Oh come onnn, you don't look like the kind of girl whose afraid of an adventure..." He says smirking. My eyes widen again as I ponder over his proposal. Adventures did excite me and I had a feeling this guy would we be one heck of one.

"Okay fine" I worried the hidden excitement in my voice might show through and provoke him to remove his offer but he didn't and he just smiles, this time with his teeth and I can't help but notice the dazzling pearly white teeth.

"Great. What time should I pick you up?" He says.

"Wait tonight?" The shock in my voice made him laugh.

"Yeah" he chuckled.

"Oh ok"

"Dress fancy" he sauntered off in the other direction and left me gawping after him. Had I really just said yes to the new kid that I knew nothing about, other than his name and that he'd got a gorgeous smile and beautiful eyes? But like I said, I like adventures...

I ran a curling wand through my hair until it was in big waves. When he said dress fancy, did he mean prom-fancy or casual dinner-fancy. I guessed it would be the latter so I decided to wear a little navy blue, lace, mid-thigh dress with my leather jacket and my navy heels. I added a silver statement necklace with bright blue flowers and left my now wavy hair hanging down my back. I realised that I hadn't told Beth and she would be quite interested in the events of the day. I tell her about how the hot new guy asked me out and how I said yes and then I asked her opinion on my outfit based on the description he gave me. She text back a few minutes later.

Beth: OMG wtf! Whats his name?

Me: Tom

Beth: OMG you look beauts! What did he say?

Me:  Just said he thought I was hot and asked if I wanted to go out

Beth: OMG! He is right tho lol! Have a good time!

Me: Thanks Babe x

I finished my makeup and waited for him to arrive. About 20 minutes later he finally knocked on my door and when I opened it he had smartened up a lot. Earlier he was wearing black jeans and a leather jacket and now he was wearing a black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows revealing that he was much more muscular than you would have first believed. He also had a Chinese symbol tattooed on his wrist. His brown hair was still quiffed but had a slightly more tousled effect to it. He was wearing the same jeans as earlier and some black leather converse. On the wrist without the tattoo he had a very expensive looking watch and was holding a single red rose in it. When I was done looking at him, I realised he was still staring at me. His eyes were looking me up and down and he was practically drooling. I didn't think I looked that good. When he realised I was watching him he blushed and held out the rose. I blushed and took it from him.

"You look... wow. I mean... gorgeous. Wow!" He said

"Thanks" I was pretty sure I looked like a tomato at this point. "You don't look too bad yourself!"

"Thanks. Umm should we go?" He said.

"Sure" I put the rose on the counter in my kitchen and went back to the door an locked up.

"What time do you need to be back?" He said.

"Whenever. My parents are away on a business trip" As usual I thought.

"Okay" he ran ahead to his car, which looked very expensive. I am not an expert in cars so I am not sure what brand it was but it was very nice. He held the door open for me like a gentleman and I got in. He rushed around he got in aswell.

"Your uumm dress is nice" he chuckles as he says it.

"Thanks" I reply and wonder why he was laughing. Then I realise he was staring at my chest because I was wearing a slight v-neck dress that showed off my quite obvious cleavage. I smacked him and he laughs but I just glare at him. He stops laughing but then seconds later he laughs again. I fold my arms across my chest to cover my boobs up and look out the window.

"Sorry Cupcake. Lets enjoy this date" he laughs

"This is a date?"

"Yeah, its date time cupcake. Embrace it"

"Ok. Where are we going?" I say still looking out the window.

"That Cupcake, is a surprise..."


A/N Hiya Guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. What is your opinion on the new guy?

Love to you all

B- Xx

Its A Kind Of Magic (Previously 'Deciding')Where stories live. Discover now