Chapter 27: Goofy smiles and Good News

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"So tell me about this... boyfriend of yours" My dad said, raising an eyebrow.

Oh great. Not this subject again.

"Uhh" I fiddled with my fingers in my lap. How did I phrase this?

"Well?" He started tapping his fingers impatiently

"His name is Tom Smith. He's 19 and attends the same college as me"

"Ok well, I would like to meet-" he started but was interrupted by a nurse hurrying into the room.

"Mr and Miss Cooper, I have some news" she said. My heart started besting furiously. "Its Mrs Cooper..." I clutched my dad's hand and squeezed it gently.

Oh god, spit it out!

"She has woken up" My heart skipped several beats and the hold I had on my dad's hand tightened, earning a few 'ow's from him.

"Can we go see her?" I asked hopefully.

"Yes you can. Although I must warn you, she will still be a little drowsy, but yes you can still go and see her"

I jumped up off the chair I was sitting on and gave the nurse a massive hug. I knocked her back a bit but she gained balance just as quickly.

"I'll just go and get your father a wheelchair" she said before exiting the room.

I turned to face my dad and I could see he was welling up. I ran over and launched at him. Wrapping my arms around his body, he did the same.

"I can't believe it. I'm so happy" I whispered and then the tears fell.

"Me too" he said and then placed a kiss on my forehead.

The nurse came in, pushing a wheelchair and she sat it next to the bed. He has been up and about more and more these past few days and he's making great progress.

She wheeled him to the room and I followed alongside, still holding his hand like a 5 year old child.

When we got to her room, my heart started beating faster again. The nurse knocked softly and then opened the door, allowing me to enter first.

She looked so peaceful. I felt another few tears fall from eyes and I quickly wiped them away. When the nurse shut the door, it made a small clicking noise which must have disturbed my mom, as her eyes flickered open slowly.

"Mom?" I whispered slightly louder than usual.

"Jess? Oh Jess" her voice was hoarse and quiet. I moved forward and over to her bed. I stood there for a few seconds before engulfing her small, weak body in a gentle hug. Her arms slowly moved around me. I heard soft sobs escaping her lips, which caused me too as well. I didn't want to let go, but eventually I moved over so dad could say hello as well.

He wheeled himself over as the nurse had left to give us privacy. And stood up before giving her a hug.

"I love you Eleanor" I heard my dad whisper.

"I love you too George" she whispered back, causing me to sob even louder. My dad looked over his shoulder at me and let out a soft chuckle. He pulled one of his arms back and beckoned me over. I did so gladly. We all hugged for god knows how long, but I could tell neither one of us wanted to let go anytime soon.

We all talked and I filled mom in on some of the events that had happened while she was asleep. Devastated that she missed Christmas, I showed her the pictures I took with her in the hospital that day. This caused her to well up a bit. She laughed at the ones where I was pulling silly faces and making funny hand gestures behind her head.

The nurse came in a while later, insisting that Dad needed to go back to bed, but I could stay. They bid each other good bye and then he went.

"So how are you, my little monkey?" She said smiling.

"I'm a lot better now Mom. How are you?"

"I'm better now that I've seen you both"

We chatted until she got tired and then I left to go and see my Dad again.

I walked in and was instantly greeted by the sound of him humming.

Dad only hums if he's in a good mood. Hhmm whats happened?

"Dad whats happened? Why are you humming?" I said with a grin on my face.

"Oh nothing sweetheart, just the fact that they've said I can go home in a couple of day" he said shrugging, but the grin on my face showed me he was really excited.

I, on the other hand, was in shock.


"Oh yes Jess! I'm coming home soon!!"

"Yay" I squealed. My dad did a happy jig in his bed and I danced round the room with the most enormous, goofiest smile on my face.

Things couldn't be better.

"Oh and I still want to meet that boyfriend of yours" My dad said.

Correction, things could be better...

Its A Kind Of Magic (Previously 'Deciding')Where stories live. Discover now