Chapter 35: You need some TLC and to get ready to KTA!

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A/N Hiya, the video above is the scene I mention later on in the chapter. Enjoy!


I ran down his driveway, tears spilling out of my eyes like there was no tomorrow. How could I have been so stupid? Why didn't Jack tell me? I mean he told me why, but if he'd have told me I probably would have believed him. The part that stings the most is he never showed any signs of it being hard for him not to say anything. It was like he was fine with keeping it from me.

I eventually stopped running and started to walk when I was sure he wasn't following me. But then I heard footsteps running after me, so I sped up.

"Jess!" They called but I ignored them and carried on walking.

They continued shouting my name and I was going to keep ignoring them until I realised who it was. Beth. The bestest friend ever. The girl I could rely on.

I slowed down and allowed her to catch up with me.

"Hey, why d'you speed up?" She asks.

"I, uhh, didn't realise it was you" I sniffled, wiping away a couple of the fresh tears.

She frowns sympathetically at me and pulls me into a hug which I gladly accept. "Come on lets get you home" I nod and she keeps her arm around my shoulder, guiding me while I sob into her shoulder.

When we arrive back at mine, we go upstairs and I flop onto my bed and sob hysterically. I don't realise Beth has disappeared until she comes back with two mugs of hot chocolate, some chocolate digestives and a box.

"Hey" she says quietly.

"Hey" I sniff.

"I bought you some stuff up" she placed the biscuits and then the box on my bed and then the two mugs on my bedside table.

"Thanks" I say meekly. She nods and opens up the biscuits.

"You okay? Stupid question I know but..." She says with a small nervous laugh.

"I suppose" I take a sip of my hot chocolate and welcome the soothing sensation on my raw throat. Consequences from all the crying, I think to myself.

"So what exactly happened?" She asked. "I understand if you don't want to talk about it yet"

"No its... its ok" so I tell her the story and she listens carefully, her facial expressions changing from disbelief, to shock, back to disbelief and then to angry.

"Oh. My. God. What the actual fuck?" I nod in agreement. "I can't believe they would do that to you. Well I can sorta believe it about Tom, but Jack... I can't believe he would keep that from you"

"I know" When I think about it, I break down again and Beth cradles me in her arms.

After a few minutes she pulls away and smiles.

"Come on, I have a plan" she says smirking.

"What?" I grab a tissue and fab my tears.

She pulled the box closer to us and slides open the lid. When I look inside, I gasp.

"It's all... all the pictures of Tom and I" I say, more to myself than Beth.

"Yep" she said popping the 'p'. Then she pulled out a pair of scissors and I gasp again.

"B-Beth, what are you doing?" I ask nervously.

"We are going to cut him out of your life. Literally" she says. Then she grabbed a picture and sliced right through his face.

Its A Kind Of Magic (Previously 'Deciding')Where stories live. Discover now