Chapter 47: I Understand

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We spent a bit more time with Caleb and his friends after we were declared the winners.

And he was a genuinely lovely guy. Smart, funny, kind, handsome... but he just wasn't Jack.

I was thinking I should give him a chance, bearing in mind Jack has moved on. But I can't. Not yet anyway.

I decided to give him a call. I mean we can always try to be friends.

I clicked his newly inserted contact page in my phone book and placed the phone to my ear.

Ring, ring!

Ring, ring!

"Hello?" A raspy voice came through the phone.

"Hi Caleb? It's me Jess"

"Jess. Hi, how are you?" He said after clearing his throat.

"Yeah, I'm good thanks. I was just wondering if you wanted to maybe go for a Starbucks or something?"

"Yeah, sure. Is one okay with you?"

"One O'clock, yeah that's fine. I'll see you then"

"Yeah, okay see you in a bit"

I got up and had a shower before drying my hair straight. I slipped on a pair of navy, hip hugging jeans and a red blouse with a bow hanging down from the 'V' shape neckline.

I slipped on a pair of red ballet pumps and then realised I had a small, circle shaped, red bag that matched pretty well too.

I grabbed some money, my phone and my car keys and left. It was about a 20 minute drive to the nearest Starbucks and as it was 12:30, I thought it best to leave now, just in case of traffic.

But fortunately there was no traffic and I arrived 10 minutes early.

I glanced round on the off chance that Caleb might be early as well, but he wasn't. So I went straight to the counter and ordered my strawberries and cream, creme blend with whipped cream.

I waited patiently and found a seat by the window.

A couple of minutes later Caleb arrived.

He said a brief hello before going to order his own drink.

"So you come to a place where it's renowned for its coffee products, and yet... you order something without a single drop of coffee in it?" Caleb asked, his voice laced with humour as he sat down.

"Hey don't judge okay? I happen to very much like my drink thank you very much" I snapped playfully.

"Okay fair enough" he chuckled.

"So what drink did you have Mr Judgemental?"

"The exact same as you" he admitted shamefully.

"You hypocrite!" I half yelled.

He chuckled. "Touché"

I took a long sip of my drink while glaring at him through the slits in my eyes.

"Sorry. But I do agree, there is nothing wrong with this particular drink"

Its A Kind Of Magic (Previously 'Deciding')Where stories live. Discover now