Chapter 32: Big Fatty Blobby

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Urgent A/N at the end of this chapter!! Need to read! Thanks


"So tell me what happened" Beth said.

So I told her what happened at the hospital and she listened quietly, not making a sound on the other end of the phone until I'd finished.

"Well shit" she said causing me to chuckle nervously.

"I know"

"So who do you think he was talking to?" She asked. Although she was quite muffled due to the fact she was rustling something on her side.

"Thats the problem" I whined. "I really don't know and are you eating crisps?"

"Maybe... and anyway don't worry too much about it chick. For all you know it could just be some crazy ass Aunt of his that likes to dress up in eccentric clothes made out of sheep manure or some other weird animal by product" I laughed at her overactive imagination. In fact, I had a full on fit just imagining a middle aged woman dress in clothes made out of sheep poo.

It was just too much.

"You're right. I'm just over thinking it" I said nodding my head, even though she couldn't see me.

"I know. I'm a genius. But if you're still a little bothered about his plans, just ask him to do something with you tonight. See what he says. He might be honest with you and come clean about his crazy dressing Aunt" she chuckled and a big grin made its way onto my face.

"You're right. You really are the bestest friend ever"

"I know" she boasted. "What would you do without me?"

"Just talk to Danny and Jack" I smirked.

"Ok ha-ha. But anyway, go make that call babe, before I kick your ass for being a smart arse"

"Ok talk to you later babe"

"Bye, mwah!"

"Byee mwah" I smiled and then hung up the phone.

I contemplated phoning Tom. Did I need to? No. Did I want to however? Yes. So thats exactly what I did. I scrolled through my contacts and found his name, clicking on the dial button.

It rung out a few times before he answered it.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hey Tom"

"Oh hey cupcake, sorry I didn't know it was you, didn't check the caller ID"

"Thats ok. Anyway I was just wondering if you wanted to go out tonight? Maybe get some dinner, go watch a movie or something?"

I heard nothing. Complete silence on the other end of the phone. 


"What? Uh, sorry what?" He asked, his voice laced with confusion.

"I said, do you want to do something tonight?"

"I uh, uh. Umm... I would love to, but uh I can't" my head dropped at his response. He said he wanted to earlier; what's changed?

"Oh umm, ok. What are you up to then?"

"Uum, just stuff" he said. I could of sworn he gulped on the other end.

"What kind of stuff?" I asked impatiently. If he was going to blow me off, he could at least give me a valid reason as to why!

"Uumm, just umm... I'm meeting up with a couple of old friends from my old college. Y'know hanging out with a few of the guys" I nodded, taking in the information. Then I shook my head.

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