Chapter 45: Humpty Dumpty

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I've been thinking about what Mom and Beth had said to me constantly over these past few days.

I don't know what it was. The things they said, finally getting over Tom, burning those pictures yesterday? I don't know.

But I feel like I can finally forgive him.

I can finally forgive Jack. I think the thing holding me back was my pride. I didn't want to accept the fact that my best friend hid something so catastrophic from me. But upon reflection, and some very wise words from my Mom, Beth and Johnny Depp I realised that he did it because he loved me. And after all this time I realised... I loved him too. Yes, that's right... I Jess Cooper, love Jack Stone! It took me a while to realise but I think I have for a long time.

I needed to see him. I need to tell him. I also needed to go for a run. Perfect opportunity.

I pulled on my workout shorts and my sports bra and my nikes and left. I didn't bother taking my phone knowing it would only take me about 5 minutes to get to Jacks.

I jogged to his house and when I arrived I ran up his driveway.

Eager much?

I knocked on the door, my face covered in a humongous grin. When it opened I was greeted by his Mom.

"Oh Hi Claire, is err, is Jack in?"

"Hi honey, no he went out about an hour ago. Something about meeting an old friend in a cafe" she said with a cheery smile.

"Oh did he by any chance say which one?"

"Uumm, now that I think about it he said something about it being his favourite and-"

"Thanks Mrs Stone, I know where he'll be" I'd already started jogging down the drive when I heard her chuckle and say 'your welcome'.

The moment she said in his favourite cafe I knew where he was. There's a small little cafe about a 15 minute walk away. It's run by a little old woman named Gladys and she sells tea, coffee, and all sorts of delicious cakes and treats. Jack introduced it to us once and we used to go quite a lot but it's been months since we last went together.

I jogged down to the cafe and when I got there I smiled. This was it. I was finally going to do it.

Finally going to tell him that I loved him too. Finally going to tell him that I forgave him and that I was stupid to think that he'd hurt me intentionally.

I walked up to the door and opened it, all of a sudden feeling nervous when the bell above the glass door dinged. I smiled at Gladys and looked around the rest of the cafe until my eyes landed on the blue eyed, golden haired boy I loved. I was just about to approach when I saw his "old friend".

It was a beautiful woman. Not very old, hard to tell the exact age however. She was curvy, had a beautiful face, amazingly smooth chocolate brown hair and was dressed impeccably.

All of sudden my heart shattered. Crumbled into a million pieces.

It felt like my heart was Humpty Dumpty. And all the Kings horses and all the Kings men couldn't put it back together again.

He was hugging her with so much affection, so much passion. Then he kissed her cheek and I couldn't take it anymore. I gasped and he looked at me, horrified. He pulled away from the woman and started to walk towards me.

I vaguely heard him say things like

"Jess, listen it's not what you think"


"Jess please listen to me"

But I was gone. Long gone. I didn't mutter a word, I just ran. Out the door and down the street. I heard him calling, shouting my name desperately. But I didn't turn around, I didn't look back. I couldn't. Because all I know is that if I saw his face again my heart would be beyond repair. Well even more than it already is.

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