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If was a rule. There are too many omegas and they are hated for having certain things. But then without them, the world will most likely collapse.

Harry Potter leaned in his chair and sighed. He was getting old and people were milling over him, telling him to get himself a few omegas and get them pregnant so he doesn't die with the line. His thinking was different from others, many would admit to that.

Harry reached out to his cane and played with the lion head on the top, his wand was hidden underneath. If he wished to do something that required magic, then he only had to pull the head of the cane out. And his wand will be in his hand.

Magic. Magic wasn't an easy thing to wield. And only Alphas were allowed to wield it as they wished to. Omegas were not allowed to have their wand with them at all times.

His eyes slowly trailed to the big portrait of his father and mother and his lips curled downward. His mothers eyes were downcast and she was knelt beside his father's figure. He didn't blame his father for the way he treated his mother because he knew that it was drilled into his brain on how he should treat his omega. An omega could not work outside of the house.

He knew it was wrong for omegas to be treated like nothing, but he didn't stop it. The alpha in Harry snarled whenever an omega so much as stepped a foot out of line.

Harry stood up, grabbing his cane, and walked out. As he passed the offices people greeted him and he gave them nods in acknowledgment.

He worked as an auror, even though he didn't need to work. The work choice had been quit looked down upon by his deceased father. But Harry didn't seem to care anymore.

He was a powerful Alpha. And that resulted in him unintentionally demanding respect from any and every omega. An Alpha cared and provided, everyone knew that. Every Alpha had a job, that job was to provide as many children as one could.

Harry wasn't in his prime condition to provide too many children, he knew that. But for his small pack he soon will have to get omegas.

At the moment Harry was going to a meeting that he was going to be the center of. As Harry entered the court all alphas and the small number of beta' looked at him, some sneering at the man.

"You are late Mr Potter." Stated Blaise Zabini as he pursed his lips.

"I can see that." He said and then sat beside him and almost rolled his eyes as the alphas started to chatter and noticed two alphas sat across the room with bruises covering their faces and their clothes askew. The two probably had ended up in a brawl to show of their alpha status.

"Everyone listen up now. Everyone knows why we are here today. Mr Potter please stand up." Hermione Granger, she was an alpha that had climbed the ranks and was now the Minister of Magic. And she just so also happened to be Ginerva Weasleys alpha. Gimerva Weasley was a member in his pack, she was founded by Hermione Granger and was sold to be her omega.

Harry slowly stood up, he had groaned in dislike of being told what to do but complied anyway.

"Mr Potter you are 36 years old now. And you have no omega at your side. At your age another alpha like youn would have at least 8 children running around and have at least three omegas at best." Hermione Granger said and then looked at him in a disappointed huff.

"Are you a defected Alpha? Because that is the only reason I can find for you to not have an omega." Alex Nott, a young alpha said accusingly and Harry grabbed the desk in front of his in a tight grip and growled, his eyes turning a deep gold.

If the other was not soo far away, Harry would have ripped his throat out for putting that accusation on him. He thought over the fact that he could jump over the desk and go and rip him into pieces and show him just how much an alpha he is.

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