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"James, this pregnancy is not going to be easy." Lucius said, sitting down beside his alpha son that was almost four months pregnant.

James was able to get pregnant because he is an elf. There are very few elves that are born switches. They are both alpha and omega. And James is both alpha and omega. The reason James was classified alpha was because when he was tested, he was more on the alpha side. His alpha side has dominated his omega side quite a bit, but he still has that omega side. There have been cases where omegas dominant in some elves though.

The world is not used to switches. And it will most likely take some time for him to be used to it.

"Mama, I know. But it can't be that hard. And you will always be here with me. Right?" James questioned, turning towards Lucius. Lucius smiled at him sadly, his gaze soft and he reached out to touch James' shoulder in a motherly gentleness.

"James, this child is your responsibility. Inputs always have outputs. And you have to care for this child. Yes I would always be there for you. But you are the mother. You have to be mature and care for this child. You are still a child James, but maturity does not come with age. It comes with actions that have consequences. And if you do not learn from the consequences, then you are not mature. I had no one to tell me what to do when I was pregnant with you all because I had no mother. I will help you, but you know your body best. I want you to know that it's time you move our of this house and build your own home." Lucius said, Lilith encouraging him in the back of his mind. Lilith was the one that was urging him to make James create his own family.

"I want you to create your own family. Not make a family with the family that you were born into. It's not like I don't want you here. I just want you to live the life that you are destined for from now on. I will take care of your child, no problem. But you need to get close with Teddy. I want you to have a family with him. And then you can decide in the future if you want to marry or not." Lucius said and James nodded with tears streaming down his face.

"I love you mama. I hope you have a safe trip to Hufflepuff kingdom." James said and Lucius hugged him. His children were growing up so fast.

Lucius was to travel to the Hufflepuff kingdom for just one day. He was going there to see the child of Cedric and Hayden. They had a child after years. This is their second child after their first born. Lucius had bonded with the Hufflepuffs and they had provided their support to him. He had handled their finances for awhile and helped them in gaining gold a few years back.

"Shadow will be accompanying me. So do not worry about me." Lucius said with a smile. They talked for awhile and then James left as it was almost time for him to go and meet with a few friends of his. And Lucius also had to leave in a few.

After James left, Lucius' smile fell. As they had talked, James had made a few comments that stung right in his heart. He had hinted at him thinking that Lucius traveling with just Shadow was not the best thing and that he could get hurt. He thought that he will be unable to trek the road to the Hufflepuff kingdom without guards.

"He thinks us weak." Lucius didn't bother to try and correct Lilith's sentence. He knew that she sometimes spoke sentences that were jumbled but he could understand her.

"Well I am not weak, and nor are you. So what he thinks doesn't matter." Lucius said, lifting his nose up in the air a little bit of haughtiness.

James would have probably told outright to not go of he knew that Shadow would be going to the Slytherin kingdom halfway. Lucius quickly got up and started his way to the kitchen to eat some food and then he would be going to the stables.


The keeper of the omega was looking in between him and Regulus Black. Harry was glaring at Regulus with all the hatred he could muster. He despised this man.

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