CHAPTER 10: Seeing Stars

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Touya's POV:

The basterd had me put on weighted armor and do stupid shit all day. He starts by making me climb up the tallest tree in the labyrinth which still didn't  reach the top of the over grown walls. I couldn't even make it to the first branch without falling on my ass. So we moved on to crawling threw mud. At first I thought it would be easy. I was mistaken. After that he told me to go fishing. When we got there. Keigo pushed me in and I sank to the bottom. I couldn't take off the armor as he had the key. So by some miracle, I managed to swim up with his help. I ended up catching a tiny fish by doing so. Unfortunately it wasn't big enough to fill my hand. That night I tried to sleep but couldn't. So I stumbled my way out of camp when I thought he was asleep. I tried relieving stress by self care,, but my arms were too weak to do much.

*sigh* "This sucks, I'm so tried that jerking off is impossible."

"I can help you with that if you'd just ask."

Keigo's voice startles me.

"I thought you were asleep!"

His arms wrap around me. As one caresses my chest and plays around with a light choke to my neck. His other hand grasps my cock.

"I can't have you frustrated to the point that you'd hurt yourself. So just relax and let me do all the work. That way you'll be able to rest soundly tonight."

"I...I don't need your nah~"

His hand feels as if he's playing me like a instrument. Every stroke carefully planned out for ultimate satisfaction.  Before I knew what was happening. I had already leaned back into his chest. Soft moans escape my lips. Only for him to take his thumb and rub my lips. While tilting my head back for a passionate kiss. The sensation of feeling helpless made it that much more enjoyable. As I've never let my guard down around anyone in over fourteen years. With one last loud moan. I fell asleep nuzzled into Keigo's chest. His warm body felt inviting and at that moment. I wishes I never had to leave it.

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