1: I'm probably going to end up in heartbreaker hell

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‘What am I doing with my life?’

At one time or another, most of us have asked ourselves this question. For me, this was it – sitting in this car, watching from a distance as the attractive brunette wrapped her arm around his, a girlish grin lighting up her features. 

One look at her and I could see how she must have fallen into the trap. It must have started with those deceptively charming deep brown eyes, that devilishly handsome face, that tall, strong masculine build that demanded awe, and that dark brown hair which just begged to have your fingers run through them. 

Oh, trust me, I knew how it all started; the same way I could see how it was going to end. So, sucking in another deep breath, I flung the car door open and stepped out. 

Here we go.

The cool evening breeze blew wisps of dirty blonde hair over my face, but I was quick to brush them away, my footsteps determined as I marched towards the pair in front of me.

The first thing I noticed when I reached them was the quizzical look the girl threw at me. The second was the way his lips parted wordlessly when he saw me. And the third, and my personal favorite, was the glaring shock on his face as my hand connected to his cheek in one hard motion. 

“What the hell!” 

But I ignored the girl’s cry, my attention still fixed on him. 

“You,” I seethed. “You asshole!”

This time, he managed to voice a reply. “Look,” he started. “I don’t know what you—” 

“Oh, shut up, you jerk!” I hissed, cutting off the rest of whatever lies he was attempting to spew. 

“So, this is what you’ve been up to; parading around town playing Mr. Romantic, huh?”

“Baby, who’s she?” I traced the voice to Miss Brunette, who was now tugging at his arm in between eying me warily. 

I let out a low laugh at that. “Of course, you didn’t tell her about me. Why would you?”


I ignored his helpless fumbling and went on, focusing on the girl this time. “What did he tell you? You’re unique, beautiful, he could see himself getting into something serious with you?”

Her flushed silence was enough of an answer for me. So, I cracked a dry smile. 

“He’s pretty good at making you buy into his bullshit. He told me the same, and I also bought it – hook line and sinker. You’d think after getting me knocked up and leaving me to raise our child alone, I’d know better than to let him put his stupid dick inside me when he drops by my place, wasted, every weekend. But this asshole really knows how to make you a fool.”

That had the effect I hoped it would, because now, her eyes were nearly the size of saucers, and I could imagine her lovelorn brain suddenly rewiring with this newfound information. And the result of this was evident in the unforgiving edge in her voice when she turned towards him, asking, “is she saying the truth?” 

Yeah, there was no ‘baby’ this time.

His response however, was to drop his eyes to the ground, a weak: “I’m sorry” escaping his lips.

“Oh my god, how could you?” She cried.  “I loved you! I was even going to introduce you to my entire family. We had so many plans together.”

I made a tsk sound at that. “I hate to break it to you, but you might want to make a new plan which involves a doctor’s appointment.”


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