33: I'd gladly have his babies if he wanted me to

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Ever had that feeling where it’s like you’re floating on rainbows and sunshine and everything just felt so right? I have – a few times. 

One of such times was when my mom took me to this really big candy store for my sixth birthday. Just standing there in that store and staring at all the candy at every corner, was an absolute delight – it felt sublime to say the least. 

Well, at the moment, I was having a dose of that sublime feeling. However, this time, it wasn’t from being in a store loaded with candy. As I stirred awake, eyes fluttering open, it was almost as though I was still living in a dream. Because that’s the only explanation I could think of for this giddiness in my insides, or the stupid smile which I was certain stretched across my lips as I snuggled closer to him. 


It took mulling over the word a second longer for its meaning to finally click to my fairly awake brain.  


And so now, I found myself staring at the other person on the bed, only to find him already staring at me, a small smile playing across his lips. “Hey.”

Ok, first off, wow! No kidding, I just got visually attacked in the morning – in the best way possible that is. How was it possible for someone to look this freaking good up close, and that too in the morning?

And second, ahhhhhhhh! I know – not exactly the most intelligible choice of words. But then, can you blame me? I just woke up next to Aiden. I just woke up next to Aiden after…

Vivid flashes of last night’s events came bursting through my mind, with each one bringing an increasing warmth to my face, so that now, I was pretty sure my face could heat up an egg. 

So, that really happened; we really happened. And now, my freaking out about the fact that it happened, was what was happening.

Ok that made no sense – even to me. 

But to be fair, I wasn’t in the most logical space right now. I had like three thoughts running through my mind at the moment, and two of them were squeals of varying pitches.

Hence, it came as no surprise when the first words I was able to voice in response was: “good day to you.”

Needless to say, I rewarded myself with a thousand mental slaps soon after. Good day to you? What even was that?

While I was dying from mortification though, Aiden had a somewhat amused look to him now. “I was kind of hoping for a repeat of ‘stop moving already and let me grab you,’ but this is pretty great too,” he quipped.

The chuckle that left my lips couldn’t be helped at his reference to my words from two years ago. “You still remember that?”

“That was quite the morning line; it’s hard to forget,” came the reply. “The same way it’s hard to forget how you’d checked me out after that.”

“What?” I echoed, voice coming out in bursts of ‘disbelief.’ “I did not check you out.”

Yeah, I did – a lot in fact. But hey, he didn’t have to know that. Except, well, he already did. 

And it was clear in the knowing look in his eyes. “Is that so?”

I was definitely caught. But trust me to still manage a weak scoff, saying, “yeah. To tell you the truth, you weren’t really my type back then.”

That’s right – lying, the solution to everything. And in some cases, the ruin of it all. In this case, it was the latter.

“So, you’re saying I’m your type now?” He questioned, features gleaming with mischief. 

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