34: I'm traumatized enough already

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I sucked in a breath as I slid my thumb through the screen, accepting the incoming call.

A second later, a familiar beaming face and dirty blonde hair which was a matching shade to mine, came into view.

“My munchkin,” she cooed. “Look at you being so pretty, I’m jealous.” 

I chuckled at that, a small smile remaining on my lips soon after. “Mom, you say that every time.” 

“Because it’s true,” she quipped, lips moving in a smile of her own. “And it’s even more so now, because you have the glow.”

Ok, what?

“The glow?”

In response, she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively – the only problem though, was that I had literally no idea as to what she was suggesting. And so now, I could only stare confused back at her.

“Well, you know, the glow of someone who’s finally taken her mother’s advice to hop on that fine sweet hunk that is her best friend.” 

“Mom!” I cried through the flaming hotness that was my face. Not like she heard me though – she was already bubbling with mirth at my expense. 

“What? Your dad sent me the post, you know. He was all freaked out that you got engaged without telling anyone.” 

“Yeah, mom, about that,” I started, tittering a little now. “It’s just one big misunderstanding. I’m not engaged. Actually…”

I proceeded to give a repeat of the story I’d given my dad a while ago, which basically summed up to Aunt Tilly being kind of crazy, and having a thing for posting weird jokes. 

Sorry, Aunt Tilly. But a girl’s got to save herself somehow. 

Now though, mom’s lips rounded in an: “oh” as I concluded my story. “No wonder the post was so weird with the winking and more winking stuff.”

Cue the shaky laughs. “I know, right?”

She nodded her agreement. But just as I was about to breathe an internal sigh of relief, she was adding, “although, I can’t help but think there’s still some truth in there. Not about the engagement thing, but my mom senses tell me that there’s something different going on between you and Aiden.” 

Shit, how was she so good?

“What? No, that is uh…that is…”

And that was as far as my attempts at denial were able to get me. Besides, seeing as my mom was now staring at me through a knowing grin, there was really no point in trying anymore. 

Now, though, she was saying, “honey, that’s great! I’m happy you’re finally living like a young person again.”

“Gee, mom, thanks,” I sallied, leaving her chortling.

“Munchkin, you know it’s kind of true though. All I’m saying is it’s nice to see you being open to new things.”

Despite myself, I betrayed a smile at that. She wasn’t wrong though. It did feel nice – like a whole lot. However, seeing as she was now about to relate the story of some things she did when she was younger, which for the record, involved an orgy, I was making hurried attempts to change the direction of the conversation. 

“So, um, how’s Darren by the way?”

No sooner had I voiced the question did I spot ‘that look.’

Hence, I’d pretty much figured out her next words even before she said, “we uh, we ended things.”

“But you really liked him. You said you loved how he had a rock spirit to him or something,” I mused, recalling her words from a few weeks ago. 

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