12: No longer a relationship, but a fling

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2 years ago






It was strange — standing face to face with someone you'd only seen from a distance. Yet, here I was, faced with the attractive guy from earlier who'd caught me creepily staring at him. 

Hence, it took a little longer than usual for my brain to register that he was now saying, "we meet again." 

Ok, say something, Aria — anything. 

"You're 'hot guy from across the room.’"

Anything but that. 

But it was too late; the words were already out. And now, I was left cringing from how mortifying the entire situation was. "Please tell me I didn't say that out loud.”

"Say what?" He echoed, feigning confusion. "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear anything through the noise from downstairs." 

Despite myself, a chortle rolled off my lips at that, with him echoing the sound. 

Although, it wasn't long before I found myself wondering how even his laugh could be so sonically pleasing. And then, wonder some more about how much of a creep I sounded like. 

Thankfully, I soon rid myself of the weird thoughts, curiosity seeping in instead. "But what are you doing here though?”

"Oh, right," he started with a small snap of his finger. "I came to get my phone.”

True to his word, he was now moving over to the other side of the room, and a second later, he was disconnecting his phone from its charging spot. 

Wait, was this his room? I'd been so eager to answer Henry's call that I'd jumped into the first free room I could find. As if that wasn't bad enough, I'd been dumb enough to question what he was doing in his own room.

Gosh, this really wasn't my night, was it? 

To him though, the words that left my mouth were: "I'm sorry for entering your room like this. It was really loud downstairs and I wanted to take a call.”

But his response wasn't at all what I was expecting. "It's fine. I just wish you'd thrashed the room a little though.”


"It's my friend's room," he added, chuckling slightly.

My lips rounded into a small "oh" at that, a small chuckle following soon after. 

He parted his lips to say something, but was soon beaten to it by a loud cry of: "get high!”

He stared at the new entry to the room, recognition flashing through his features. "Speak of the devil," he remarked, staring at the new entry to the room.

I followed his eyes to find…

"Shirtless screaming vodka guy from downstairs is your friend?" 

That earned a chortle from him. "Yeah, he does tend to shout the most stupid things when he's drunk.”

His friend, however, was now fondly throwing an arm around him, saying, "I fucking love you, man.”

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