7: The fake girlfriend who he claimed to be crazy about

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When Kara asked us to have breakfast, I imagined actually having breakfast, and not a freaking feast! I was one thread of self-control away from drooling over the sight in front of me.

In my twenty years of life, this was the closest I’d come to falling in love. Every dish on the table looked so mouth-watering good, like something you’d find in those five star restaurants with a fancy name. To be honest, the entire setting felt more like I was at some exquisite restaurant than anything else.

The chef that came in with the food was dressed in uniform – hat included. Even the two smartly dressed young men beside her who served the dishes, all seemed very formal. 

So far, the only thing missing to complete the fancy restaurant experience, was probably the menus. Not like it was needed in this case though; the table was literally a buffet.

But in the middle of my drooling and absolute bliss, I couldn’t help but notice how I seemed to be the only impressed one here. Aiden’s grandma had that usual poker face about her. Aiden himself didn't seem to care much either. His expression was almost as unreadable as his grandma’s. 

Emma, on the other hand, silently nibbled away at her food, which would have been pretty normal except for one thing –  she was too silent. I mean, I wasn’t even sure I heard her fork scrape against the plate once. She ate with such concentrated silence and precision, it was almost scary. 

Although, now that I thought about it, silence did seem to be the theme of this breakfast. The last time I remembered hearing any conversation was when Aiden and I first arrived downstairs.

By conversation, I meant the pleasant exchange of greetings with Emma, and the very unnerving exchange with Aiden’s grandma who seemed to stare into my soul when she asked: “hope you enjoyed your night?”

So, yeah, she was…fun?

Anyway, that was all like five minutes ago. And since settling down at the huge dining table, not a word had been spoken. 

Kara on her part, could only provide the regular smiles when our eyes met, which I returned with awkward ones of my own. But even she said nothing. 

But as puzzled as I was at the whole affair, I was soon immersed in the more pressing matter at hand – food.

We stayed like that for a long time, eating wordlessly until…

“Have you gotten your dress for the party yet?” That was Aiden’s grandma. Who else could manage such a simple question with such authority?

The recipient of her question, however, was now saying, “I haven’t.” Was it just me, or did Kara seem a little unnerved around Aiden’s grandma too? Now though, she was making a hurried addition of: “but I will. Today.”

Aiden’s grandma acknowledged her answer with a nod. “But you should have done this before now; you know what I think of last minute preparations,” she remarked without looking up from her plate.

“Yes,” Kara answered in almost a whisper. “But on the bright side, now, I can go shopping with Aria.”

It took a full second for the meaning of her words to sink in. And now, my head had shot up from my plate of deliciousness, to face her. But she was already staring at me in that warm demeanor of hers. “What do you think Aria? Want to go shopping and talk shit about Aiden behind his back?”

“Gee mom, thanks,” Aiden deadpanned, to which Kara and Emma chortled, with Aiden betraying a tiny smile. 

Emma's laughs were short lived though. She was quick to bite her lip, stopping any further sounds from escaping. And with a cautious glance at their grandma, she was returning to her silent eating. 

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