3: You mean aside from wanting to be a male stripper?

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“Aiden,” I called, tapping him even though I didn't need to. But the sight in front of me was one so unreal, I needed even the slightest semblance of feeling, to convince myself I wasn't dreaming it. 

As a kid who lived in a small apartment with my mom and her ‘friends,’ my dad's suburban house with the pretty lawn and white picket fence always seemed like the most amazing thing to me. 

But hell, if only five-year-old me could get a glimpse of the white mansion that stood before us in all its majestic glory, she would be awestruck – I knew twenty-year-old me was. It was obvious from the way I had to struggle to keep my mouth from hanging open. 

When I finally managed to say something besides the unspoken ‘wow’ that hung at the tip of my tongue, it was: “how come you didn't tell me your family's like...really rich?”

“They are?” He asked back, looking truly surprised, but for the mischievous glint in his eyes. 

“Aiden, you–” But that was how far I got before I was drowned out by the happy sounds of barks which I traced to the big brown dog which ran towards us, tail wagging in doggish glee.

“Doug,” he cried, arms openly welcoming the furry brown creature, who was now excitedly licking away at his face, leaving him chuckling fondly. 

“I've missed you too, buddy.”

As sweet as the whole exchange was, there was still one looming question. “Your dog's name is Doug?” 

“It's a great name, okay? I came up with it myself.” 

“It's obvious you did,” I quipped, chortling.

He shot me a playful glare, but even he couldn't quite help from betraying a laugh. But to Doug, he said, “Don't listen to her, buddy. She's just jealous of your awesome name.”

I shook my head at his antics, my lips parting to say something, but yet again, someone beat me to it. This time though, it wasn't a cute furry creature, but a petite woman with pretty features which were accentuated by the gentle smile on her lips.

“Aiden,” she breathed, eyes fixed on the boy beside me.

If not the identical dark brown eyes, then Aiden's call of: “mom,” was enough to tell me just who she was. 

“My baby,” she said, outstretching her arms in a silent invitation which he was quick to accept, a matching smile stretching across his lips as his arms wrapped around her. 

“I've missed you so much,” she said between sniffles.

“Me too.”

“Then why didn't you come visit all this time?” She queried, eyes turning accusing. The accused in question was now rubbing his neck sheepishly.

“Yeah, well,” he drawled in a very un-Aiden way, which only served to make the situation all the more amusing. Seeing him this way around his mom, it was pretty comical to watch. However, my humor was short-lived, as now, his mom's attention had fallen on me.

“Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Hello, dear,” she greeted brightly. “You must be Aria.”

“Ye–” But that was how far I got before I found myself being pulled into her arms, her face beaming. 

“I'm so excited to finally meet you.” 


Since I agreed to come home with Aiden a few days back, it made sense that he'd told his family about me. Still, ‘finally’ seemed a bit intense in referring to someone you heard about a few days ago. 

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