18: I kissed my step cousin

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“So, you get what I’m saying, right?”

Again, I got the same response.

“I know I can’t avoid him forever. And I’m not even trying to.”

And then, there was that response again, leaving me softly shaking my head in protest. 

“Of course I’ve not been running away at the slightest sight of him. It just so happened that we’ve not been in the same place throughout today, because we’re two busy people.”

The response was more stoic this time. 

“What do you mean I’m not busy? I’ll have you know that I’m halfway through the sequel of ‘My Sweet CEO Addiction.’”

Despite my explanation, his stance didn’t change. 

“No, it’s not an excuse. Besides, I spent most of the afternoon with Kara – well, until he dropped by. But the point is, I am not avoiding him, we’re just moving at different paces. You get what I mean?”

This time, Doug didn’t even spare me a bark. Instead, all I got from him was a pointed stare which I was certain translated to: “bitch, are you gonna throw the ball or what?” 

Despite myself, I chuckled at that. He truly looked so done with my rambling. Although it’s not like I could blame him, given that I’d somehow turned our catch session into a life-talk session that had gone on for the past few minutes now. “Here you go, buddy. Enjoy your life away from my craziness.” 

No sooner had I thrown the ball, was he running after it, tail wagging excitedly as he went. 

Well, at least, one of us was in bright spirits. 

As for me, the only spirits I was in right now, was that of constant panic. Seriously, it was safe to say I’d become a fugitive, always on the run from a particular someone I knew. 

Following the events of last night, my movements could be pretty much summed up as: ‘go anywhere that Aiden isn’t.’ 

He was with Kara? Be with Emma. He was with Emma? Be with Kara. He was with both of them? Then hang out with Doug. 

And that was precisely how I’d gone about today. Just the thought of the awkward conversation that would ensue if we met, was enough to fuel my determination to keep this up.

Still, I was more than aware of the fact that I couldn’t keep this up forever, especially considering that we shared a room. 

Should I maybe just sleep in the garden?

Ok, I clearly had no idea how to deal with this after-kiss situation. But to be fair, I wasn’t the most experienced in that regard. If only I knew someone who was – someone who was versed in handling this kind of stuff.

And that was when it hit me. 

Well, it looks like I have a call to make.









“Hey, Ash,” I chirped as soon as the line connected. 

“Aria, hey. I’ve missed you,” she gushed, face beaming. Although a moment later, she was turning to yell into the distance. “Just get the crab out of her bra!”

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