29: Just jamming through the Caribbean sea with my eye patch on

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I bent over, chest heaving as I desperately panted for air, with my hands moving to rest on my knees. Now, why was I gasping for breath like a dying mammoth you ask? 

Well, the answer to that question had something to do with the brown furry creature who was now eyeing me with something that resembled amusement. No, seriously, I could almost hear his brain going all: ‘wow, are all humans this lazy?’ 

I, however, had different thoughts of my own. I fixed him with an accusing stare, only to speak the most coherent words my ragged breathing could allow. “Doug…you…why…”

Although to be fair, ragged breathing or not, my brain hasn't really been in its most coherent state lately. After last night’s events, or should I say last night’s dream-induced events, I’d thought it best to clear my head of any more weird thoughts this morning. Hence, my opting for an early morning walk, with Doug in tow. 

Well, at least it was supposed to be a walk, until Doug decided to go all Usain Bolt on me, chasing after some pretty bird we saw. And somehow, I thought chasing after him to get him to stop, would be a good idea. Fun fact – it wasn’t. The only thing I’d achieved by doing that, was me nearly passing me out from running so much.

Ok, fine, I know I just ran like a short distance, but it felt really long! In case you haven’t noticed, athleticism wasn’t exactly my strongpoint.

And Doug seemed to have realized that as well, seeing as he’d now stopped from his pursuit, scooting closer to me instead, only to stare up at me with those criminally adorable eyes of his.

Oh gosh, who was I kidding? I couldn’t even stay mad at him if I tried. And so, I found myself reaching out to pet him, a smile remaining on my face as I watched how his tail wagged in response.

“Ok, Doug, we’re good now,” I cooed. “But no more running.” 

He barked out a response which seemingly translated to: ‘ok, fine.’

And I spoke too soon. No agreement there. The pretty bird was back, and sure enough, he was now sprinting off after it. 

Could this be the universe’s way of telling me I needed to exercise more? Because if that’s it, then there were other ways to do so. I mean, moving from the bed to the couch was also an exercise you know? And I did a lot of that. And also, blinking and…breathing?

Ok, universe, you make a fair point.

“Doug, we just talked about this,” I called, running after him. Thankfully, he was soon slowing down, ceasing his pursuit of the bird to instead bound towards…

“Hey there, you,” she mused, face moving in something that resembled a smile as she stroked his fur fondly. 

I, however, found myself staring disbelievingly at the scene in front of me. Because Aiden’s grandma displaying any form of affection, had to be something straight out of my imagination. However, it wasn’t. 

This was real, and it was confirmed when her gaze drifted to me. “Aria,” she said simply. Well, that’s if your definition of ‘simply’ involved her sharp blue eyes boring into my soul.

Hence, it took quite the mental prepping for me to let out a small: “good morning, ma’am.”

“Good morning,” she greeted back. And to my alarm, was now gesturing me over, saying, “come join me.”

Oh god. 

I suddenly found myself missing the time when I was still chasing after Doug and his bird friend. At least, that wasn’t as awkward as this. 

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