Episode 2- Luo Binghe Challenge Octagram

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Part 5


So Shen Qingqiu play the music which Luo Binghe pulled his hand to play before, he still remember the touch when Luo Binghe hold his hand. When he remember Luo Binghe's situation now, he play with more vivid, he wish that Luo Binghe is safe and sound and unite with him. After Shen Qingqiu finish played the music, he asked with nervous: "How is it?" Luminous doesn't say anything. "Oops! Is that my music is too unpleasant to hear!?" Shen Qingqiu thinks. "Its good...... It is really good. I like the music which played by you. According to promise, I will let go of Luo Binghe. But Luo Binghe and Milim need to repair the buildings which destroyed by them. At this period, you can live at Inner Temple and play music with using stringed instrument for me. How is it, Shen peak lord?" Luminous said with smile. "But I only know how to play this music, Luminous." Shen Qingqiu said. "Never mind, you can play this music to me, Shen peak lord." Luminous said. "Alright." Shen Qingqiu said. "I can't believe that I can settle this demon king who hard to persuade! She say that the music which played by me are good! Its seem that I have music innate skill, I am amazing! Binghe will be safe!" Shen Qingqiu thinks happily. So Milim and Luo Binghe had been punished to repair those public properties which destroyed by them, Shen Qingqiu play music to Luminous everyday.

After a few month later, every Holy Empire Ruberios' buildings and public properties had been repaired, Milim and Luo Binghe also finish repair those public properties which destroyed by them. Western Holy Church release Luo Binghe and Milim. "Mr. Shen!" When Milim see Shen Qingqiu, she cries and hugs him and shout. "Milim, you hug too tight." Shen Qingqiu said. "I am sorry, Mr. Shen! I had used Tenma Sword stab you, you must very annoying me." Milim said. "No, I will not annoying you. Please don't cry." Shen Qingqiu said with comfort her. "Hey, woman, don't hug master." Luo Binghe said without discrepancy. "Humph, I want to hug Mr. Shen. How is it, Binghe, are you feel jealous?" Milim said. "Master is belong to me, don't tangled master." Luo Binghe pull out Milim from Shen Qingqiu and said. When Luo Binghe and Milim have disputed, Luminous come and hug Shen Qingqiu's hands and said: "Shen peak lord is belong to me."

"Luminous, how dare you snatch Mr. Shen from me!" Milim said without discrepancy. "You this vampire woman, get away from my master!" Luo Binghe said without discrepancy. "Alright, alright, Milim, Luminous, you all don't deliberately make Qingqiu difficult. Qingqiu, during this few months how you live in Holy Empire Ruberios?" Rimuru come to their direction and asked. "Its quite well. Before I forgot, Rimuru, the things of third world, how is it?" Shen Qingqiu asked. "I have confirm the position. I now will bring you and Binghe  to there." Rimuru said. "Rimuru, please let me go there to see Mr. Shen off." Milim said with serious. "Same with me, Rimuru." Luminous said. "Shen Qingqiu can feel that Milim and Luminous feel very broken-hearted when know he have to leave and said. "Rimuru, let Milim and Luminous come with us." Rimuru bring everyone come to the place where is the third world transform place. "Go into this area, you will transfer to another dimension. We will bid you farewell here." Rimuru said. "I am very grateful for you all for take care of me. I will engrave your kindness." Shen Qingqiu said. "Mr. Shen, I will definitely go to Cang Qiong Mountain Sect to find you, Mr. Shen." Milim said. "I will also definitely go to Cang Qiong Mountain Sect to find you, Shen peak lord." Luminous said. "If you all can come to Cang Qiong Mountain Sect, I will greet you all." Shen Qingqiu said.





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