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"Bitch." I mumbled turning my head away.

"What was that?" Hayden said raising an eyebrow.

"I called you a bitch." I said, "Got a problem?"

"Oh Theo come speak to me when you ain't just been raped. Cmon your a chimera for fucks sake? You definitely wanted it or you would have done something!"

"Hayden!" The room chorused. Liam stayed silent.

"Get out." Melissa said her eyes full of rage.


"Get out." Melissa said again and Hayden rolled her eyes before leaving slamming the door behind her. I pulled my knees back tighter into my chest running a hand through my hair.

"How are you feeling Theo?" Liam asked softly and I scoffed.

"You get out aswell." I mumbled.


"Go away Liam." Liam looked hurt and confused but I didn't care. He left staring at the floor as he went.

"That was a little harsh what did he do?" Derek said crossing his arms.

"He's with that bitch." I said my eyes flashing gold.

"Woah Theo calm down." Stiles said putting a hand on my shoulder I flinched again but he didn't move his hand this time

"Just so you know Theo. We're all here for you." Scott said and I smiled sadly.

"I know... and I'm sorry I have you all a hard time before, just... just past issues. I trust you." I said and the whole room seemed to light up brighter and a huge weight was lifted off my chest.

"It's okay Theo. We're sorry too, your pack now." Allison said and I smiled at her.

"Well I'm glad we're all on the same page now." Derek said.


"Do you need us to get anything Theo?" Kira asked and I shook my head.

"I'm good thanks."

"You sure when was the last time you ate?" Lydia said and I shook my head.

"I'm fine."

"Oh Theo come off if you haven't eaten in two weeks. I'm getting you food now, that was my next job." Melissa said frowning at me. I scowled.

"I'm not hungry." I said and Stiles clapped me round the back of my head.

"You Theo Raeken will eat some food now! Or else!" He scolded. I rubbed the back of my head.

"Jeez relax Mom." I mocked and Stiles scowled.

"I'll be right back." Melissa said smiling softly.

"So Theo how come you haven't eaten?" Isaac asked. I rolled my eyes.

"What's with all the questions!? I've been in the pack 2 seconds and you are all acting like my parents!"

"We're just looking out for you." Chris said and I rolled my eyes again.

"Well don't. I haven't had friends for 10 years. I can get by."

"Maybe that's the thing. Maybe you need friends, especially right now." Scott said.

"Since when did you get so inspirational."

"Well things have changed in those 10 years you spent trying to forget us Theo." Stiles said and I grumbled.

"You too?"

"Deal with it! Your not getting away from us that easy anymore." Malia said laughing.

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