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Peter was broken. Chris left him in his time of need and caused his pain. I don't think Peter would ever forgive him. Apparently they were happy until the fire happened and ruined everything for everyone.

They were due to get married for gods sake and you know what Chris did while Peter was suffering in that coma? Got back with his ex, didn't visit and gave Derek the engagement ring back instead of taking it to Peter himself, coma or not.

So Peter killed Kate and Gerrard, and Derek killed Victoria. And the nogitsune nearly killed Allison, if it wasn't for Kira.

So Chris suffered and two thirds of the pain was because of Peter. So the two grew to hate each other. Hardly spoke ever, even in pack meetings. And it was getting to be a problem.

Me and Allison had both tried to reason with Chris and Peter but it wouldn't work. They'd have to talk on their own terms.

"But why did Chris get back with his ex?" Liam asked as I explained this to the group after both Chris and Peter had left.

"No idea..." I said shaking my head.

"His ex was my mom." Allison said sadly, "As much as I love him and her even I agree that was a shitty thing to do..."

"Why did they split up in the first place." Jackson asked.

"Mom had problems with her family grew distant and they broke up when I was 3 and got back together when I was 10."

"Now I know why Peters so grumpy." Aiden said.

"Yeah it's tuff on him. I've seen the worst of it."

"What do you mean?"

"I've visited him every day since he opened up to me believe it or not. He's not okay guys, he hasn't been for a while now."

"I had no idea..." Derek said putting his head in his hands.

"Hey don't blame yourself. We're all in the wrong." Stiles said rubbing his arm. Me and Liam gave each other a knowing glance and smiled.

"What should we do?" Isaac asked.

"There isn't anything we can do. Believe me we've tried." I said and Allison nodded.

"They we're happy..." she said softly, "Peter was like a dad to me more than my mom felt like a mom,"

"Then we have to figure something out." Scott said running a hand through his hair, "Whether that be the lame thing of locking them in a room together or casting a stupid spell to force them to talk to each other. come on if there's werewolves and kanima's and fucking kitsune's then there has to be some freaky witch shit around." He said and I nodded.

"I think I can help with that..." Liam said and I raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean Li?"

"Hayden's part witch." He said and my jaw dropped. So did everyone else's.

"Oh no. No no no no no. We are not bringing that bitch into this house." I said shaking my head.

"Hey it'll be fine. She'll only be here for a moment." Liam said rubbing my arm comfortingly.

"How long has she been able to do magic?" Parrish said in disbelief.

"Couple years apparently. Turned out her mother knew how to do magic and passed it on to her. She managed to still keep her powers after becoming a werewolf."

"Wow!" Isaac breathed.

"Should I call her?"

"As much as I'm against this you should.."

"Ill put her on speaker to make you feel better." He said smiling. I nodded. Liam reached into his pocket and dialed her number.

"Hey Hayden."

"Hey Liam how are you?"

"I'm great. Listen you know when you told me about your mother-"

"You didn't tell anyone did you?"


"Liam you idiot! Who did you tell?"

"Just the pack!"

"Okay I guess that's fine."

"Do you think you could come to Scott's tomorrow ? We need your help."

"Is Theo going to be there? He hates me." Liam shot me a look. I sighed.

"I don't hate you Hayden don't worry." I droned.

"Very convincing." Liam hissed.

"I'm on speaker?"

"Uh yeah..."

"Alright... I'll come. Ill be there at 10. Bye Liam."


I sat back in my chair crossing my arms with a scowl on my face.

"Don't be so grumpy." Liam said hitting me on the arm.


"Right then. Do you guys want to sleep here?" Scott asked and everyone nodded seeing as it was late and they'd be here earl again tomorrow.

"Okay lets think about this. Me and Isaac can share my room. Stiles and Derek, you can join us. Liam and Theo you can share Theo's room.  Lydia and Allison in Isaac's room. Malia and Kira you can join them. We'll set up some stuff. Mason and Corey with Liam and Theo. Then Parrish, Aiden, Ethan and Jackson can spread yourselves out on the couches. There's plenty of room." We all started to head up when Scott called.

"And no funny business!"

We set up some sleeping bags on the floor for Mason and Corey and I assume they did the same in the other rooms. Me and Liam took the bed of course.

"I'm bored!" Mason groaned five seconds after we walked in the room.

"Bitch we just got in here?" Liam said laughing at his best friend.

"Yeah well I'm bored!" Mason said louder.

"Okay okay don't get your knickers in a twist Mase!" Liam jeered. I leant closer to Corey.

"Are they always like this?" I whispered and he sighed.

"Unfortunately yes, yes they are."

Lets play truth or dare!" Liam said and I shook my head.

"No, nope, nada no fucking way." I said.

"Theo please." Liam begged giving me puppy eyes.

"But Liammmm."

"No buts sit your ass down."

"Fuck you."

"He will tomorrow I'm sure." Mason mumbled to Corey who burst out laughing. I put my middle finger up at them and rolled my eyes.

"Right lets play." Liam said dragging me down to the floor. I fell with a thud.

"Ow!" I yelled.

"Sorry!" Liam said trying to hide his laughter while Mason and Corey were rolling around on the floor dying.

"I hope you pull a muscle in your stomach and die from it."

"Jeez rude much." Mason said pausing his laughter.

"Yeah how mean." Corey said and I rolled my eyes. Scott opened the door not looking impressed a second later.

"I heard a thud."

"Yeah dumbass over here dragged me to the floor!" I said pointing at Liam.


"We're playing truth or dare!" Liam said excitedly.

"Did I hear truth or dare?" Lydia said poking her head round the door.


"GUYS GET IN HERE WE'RE PLAYING TRUTH OR DARE!" She shouted and there was a loud scramble and moments later we were all sat on my floor playing.

"Why. Just why." I sighed rubbing my head.

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