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"Woooo! Go, Marlene!"

It was fifth year Quidditch tryouts, and Lily Evans was sitting on the bleachers supporting her best friend. Remus was beside her, reading a book, but she supposed he was there for James and Sirius. Peter was cheering them on like she was for Marlene.

This year wasn't any different than the last. It was the same people trying out. Marlene, of course. Sirius Black. Arrow Carns. Alexis Marie. Lance Carns. James Potter; because, as much as Lily hated to admit it, he was the best one on the team. 

And two new people. Dorcas Meadowes, who was fairly good friends with Marlene. And Sirius's sister, Cassiopeia Black. Or "Cassie," as everybody called her. Lily wasn't necessarily close to Cassie. They'd been partners once in third year for Potions, but that was really it. Cassie mostly hung out with her brother and the rest of the marauders. Her main friends were Peter Pettigrew and Dorcas Meadowes. And although Cassie hung out with Marlene on occasion, they were only acquainted.

It's not that she didn't like Cassie. She just expected her to be like the people she hung out with. Hell, she was related to Sirius Black! That told Lily enough. But Cassie didn't really matter, she was there to support Marlene.

"Hey, Lily?"


Remus closed his book. "You keep glaring at Cassie. You wanna be more subtle about it?"

"I'm not glaring!"


She looked at him. "Remus."

"Did she do something to you?"

"What? No."

He furrowed his brow. "Then?"

"Nothing. It's just-" She shook her head. "Never mind."

"It's because she hangs out with James and Sirius, right? I mean, I do too, but you don't have a problem with me."

"Yeah, but you're not related to them."

"Don't forget that you used to be friends with Snape."


He held up his hands defensively. "I'm sorry, but you know I'm right."

She looked out at the field. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. She tried not to think on it. She was supposed to be watching tryouts, not get distracted by a girl she barely knew. So far, though, things were going good. For James, Sirius, Marlene, Arrow, Dorcas, Alexis, and Cassie. It looked like they had a team already. Lily secretly wished Lance Carns had done better than Cassie. She didn't want any awkward situations happening now that she was going to be there more often.


Lily stood around the changing rooms, waiting for Marlene. She heard laughter coming closer to her so she supposed it was Marlene, but it was just Dorcas and Cassie.

Dorcas waved. "Hey, Lily! Marlene will be out in a bit."

Lily smiled. "Okay, thanks." 

"Yeah, so I guess I'll see ya?"

"Yeah, have a good day."

"Cheers. You too," said Cassie, smiling back at her. Lily knew she was just being kind, but she still rolled her eyes when they walked away.

She was looking at her nails when Marlene finally came out. They were bitten and ruined, but she was trying to stop. It was difficult, though, when it had become a habit to her. They weren't too noticeable, but to her? It seemed like the most noticeable and obvious thing about her.

It's You That I Want | L. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now