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Cassie was walking with Dorcas on her way to the field. James had optional Quidditch practices that were way too early to make anybody come, but Cassie went anyway. Dorcas wasn't going; she was on her way to the Great Hall. It was a Saturday, too. Cassie didn't expect many people to be there. They parted ways at the Great Hall where Marlene was waiting for Dorcas.

"You're not going to the practice?"

Marlene shook her head. "God, no. James is mad for having it this early, but at least it was optional."

"Yeah, Sirius and I are probably going to be the only ones there."

"If James cries, I want details," Dorcas said, laughing.

"Will do." Cassie pointed at Marlene. "Say hi to Evans for me."

Marlene and Dorcas looked at each other. Then Marlene looked at Cassie, and grinned. "Yeah, will do."

"Have fun at practice!" Dorcas added as Cassie began to walk off. Cassie lifted her hand in a thank you manner, and ran the rest of the way.

She tried not to run so fast, but she didn't want to take any chances. She basically just sprinted, but memories of Emmeline kept flashing through her head. Cassie knew it was stupid to still be thinking about her ex, but it had stung her to her core. The entire summer, only her little brother could comfort her. And they hadn't necessarily been on good terms. Especially since he and Sirius had drifted. They got into fights, a lot. And with Cassie being Gryffindor, it looked like she was automatically on Sirius's side. She wasn't. She wasn't on anybody's side. She just wanted her brothers to get along again. But she didn't quite know how that was possible. And it made it worse with Emmeline. Because that wasn't Regulus's responsibility. Her little brother shouldn't have been the one to take care of her. It should've been herself. But she was queer in the seventies. She couldn't do that alone, so she went to the only person she could trust. The only other person who would understand.

She didn't realize she had stopped until someone ran into her. She apologized to the other person. Clearing her thoughts, she shook her head, and continued walking.

When she walked onto the field, she realized it was cloudy. She rolled her eyes. "James!"

He came out of the changing rooms. "You called?"

"You're a fucking idiot, you know that right?"

"Yeah, love you too, Cassie."

She laughed, shoving him. "I'm serious. This early? On a Saturday? With this weather? What the fuck, James?"

"It was optional," Sirius replied, coming out of the changing rooms. "Hi, Cass."

"Is anybody else coming?" James asked.

She shook her head. "They're all enjoying their breakfast."

"Ah. Well, go get your broom."

Cassie nodded and headed inside the changing rooms. Sirius and James jumped onto their brooms and flew onto the field. She dug around until she found her broom, and headed back out. She rubbed her eye and looked out at the two Gryffindors. They were racing each other.

She laughed, hopped onto her broom, and joined in. They raced around for a good ten minutes until Cassie and Sirius needed to rest. James still had energy, somehow.

"Hey, where the hell were you last night?" Sirius asked, shoving hair out of his face.

"I was studying." She glanced at James, then back at Sirius. "With Lily Evans."

It's You That I Want | L. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now