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Years had gone by. All of them graduated together. Lily, Cassie, Dorcas, Marlene, Mary, James, Sirius, Remus, Peter. Regulus graduated a year after them, but everything was good.

A couple months after Lily's birthday, Walburga had been sent to Azkaban. It was all over the papers. Cassie wanted to hate it, but she was glad. Let the people know what a horrible woman her mother was. She deserved it. Eventually, her father passed away. Cassie and Sirius didn't care, but Regulus was slightly upset. They all knew he was horrible, but Regulus still felt like he lost someone important. And he hated admitting that Orion's death saddened him.

Marlene and Dorcas had a fake wedding because gay marriage wasn't legal. They all went and Cassie had a little too much to drink. She ended up visiting her father's grave that night and yelling at it. If only she could do that to her mother's grave, but she was still alive.

It was a beautiful wedding, great ceremony. Euphemia (Mrs. Potter) had helped with most of it. She was their grand protector. And the only adult who seemed to support them.

Cassie got to know Lily's parents. Her mom, Mrs. Evans, loved her. Although, it felt more like a pity love than an actual love, but it felt nice. She'd tell Cassie things about Lily. How she did ballet when she was younger. Or how she loved peanut butter. And that she had a small obsession with the movie Pippi Longstocking. That's how Cassie learned what a movie was. And what a television was.

The Evans taught her a lot. Mr. Evans was still trying to get used to everything. This was all new for him, but at least he was trying which made Lily happy. Petunia was still distant, but they talked every now and then. At least she hated her a little less.

Cassie and Lily ended up getting their own flat. It was in London which was pretty far from Lily's parents, but they promised to visit anytime.

The only problem was that word of Voldemort was going out everyday. They all joined the Order but it was rather difficult. Cassie felt like she should start drinking again; she hadn't felt this much fear since her mother in 1975. The fear wasn't for herself, though. It was for her brothers, her friends, James's family, and most of all, Lily. But she promised to do anything in her power just to keep her and everybody else safe. Even if it meant risky work, but she'd do it.

On a happy note, Mary later came out as bisexual. She had a girlfriend for a short time, but they all hated her. Her name was Rachel, but she was an absolute bitch. And she never shut up about anything. One time, Lily invited them to double date with her and Cassie at the movie theater, but they ended up getting kicked out. She was pretty, yeah, but she also hated Regulus for some reason. She was a muggle, too. She said that he was too "goth" and that he never smiled enough. James had to stop him from saying something he'd regret.

They all celebrated in secret when they broke up. Luckily, Mary met this boy named Dean who got along with all of them. He was in a band, played bass. And he was a cook which was great because most of them were lazy anyway. Dean, Marlene, James, and Sirius were the only ones who could cook. They bonded while they made meals together. Regulus and Peter taught him how to play chess. He went to record shops and listened to music with Dorcas. And he discussed and analyzed literature with Lily. Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf, Emily Dickinson. Dean had introduced her to Audre Lorde (who she soon became obsessed with), Angela Davis, and James Baldwin.

Every night, Cassie got to listen to Lily go on about a new book she had read. It was her favorite part of the day, and she thanked Dean for it. He had also taught her and James how to play football, which made them bond even more. Dean and Mary though, they were perfect for each other. And the entire gang loved them together. They soon decided to tie the knot.

Eventually, Walburga passed away. This was a week before the wedding. None of them cried. Not a single tear was shed. But it was up to them to decide who kept the house. Cassie didn't want to, she couldn't go back to that house. But of course, like Marlene and Dorcas' wedding, she ended up going back to 12 Grimmauld Place. She was sober this time. Her room had been emptied out, every last thing was gone. She went to Sirius's room and looked behind his bed. She found her pack of weed. That was the only good thing about going back there. She ended up smoking it with Remus the next night.

Peter never settled down or got into relationship. He hooked up a lot. Guys and girls, although he never labeled anything. And that was okay, he didn't have to. They were all comfortable with the situation.

Remus and Sirius took a lot of vacations. Sirius took him to France at one point, Cassie did the same with Lily. They both spoke French fluently, Regulus too. But Regulus preferred to stay in England for a bit. Him and James did end up going to Greece at one point though.

Everything was amazing. Their lives were good, everybody was happy. Who knows what would happen in the future, as long as they were happy now maybe they'd be happy forever. Cassie and Lily both knew that. One day, Cassie was making Lily dinner after Sirius taught her how to cook. She had a record playing classic music. When Lily got home, she smiled, kissing her.

"What's the occasion?"

Cassie put down her spoon, wrapping her arms around Lily's waist. "I just wanted to do something for you."

"You're my favorite person."

Cassie twirled her. "Dance with me, Evans."

"So that's what the music was for."

"I thought it made sense. Here's my attempt at being romantic."

Lily laughed. "You're the most romantic person I know. Taking me to France, building me a small library, teaching me how to ice skate, learning how to cook for me. You got me a cat, love. If I know anything about you, it's that you're a romantic."

"I want to marry you, Lily. I just wish we could be happy in a lifetime where our love is okay."

"It is okay, Cass. None of this is wrong. They're wrong, not us."

Cassie kissed her. "Maybe one day I'll be able to marry you."

"Marlene and Dorcas did, so can we."

"But I want it to be legal."

Lily smiled. "Just because it's not legal doesn't mean it's not real."

"I guess I just got thinking. Sorry-"

She shook her head. "No, don't apologize. I just want to be with you in this moment."

They kissed for a long time. It was a soft, passionate kiss. One Cassie would remember forever. When they broke apart for air, Cassie whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too."

The End.

It's You That I Want | L. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now