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tw - trauma, alcohol


October 18th, 1975

"So she actually said yes?" James asked for what seemed to be the millionth time.

Cassie rolled her eyes. "Yes. I've been telling you this for five days."

"I'm shocked, is all."

Sirius grinned, flipping a page in his book. "Cassie's got her ways."

She rested her head on his shoulder and read along with him. They were in the common room, a couple hours before the big sneaking out. Cassie and Sirius were on the sofa; James was in the armchair; and Peter was on the floor by the fireplace.

Peter turned and looked at Sirius. "Since when do you read?"

"Yeah, is that Jane Eyre?" Cassie questioned.

"I can read, too, you know."

James chuckled. "It just seems unlike you, mate."

Cassie looked at the book closer. "Hey, isn't that-"

"No!" He held the book on the other end of the couch so Cassie couldn't reach it. But James snatched it before he could notice.

"First page, Potter!" Cassie shouted. Sirius charged at James, but he was too late. James had already thrown it to Peter. Cassie waved at him and he tossed it to her.

"Keep him there, James." Sirius fought through James's grip, but he was too strong. Cassie winked. "I'm sorry, Sirius." And then she read the front page aloud. " 'Property of Hope Lupin.'"

"As in Remus's mother?" Peter asked.

"What about my mother?"

They all stopped and looked up at Remus, who was rubbing his eye. He had just woken up from a nap.

He jutted his chin at James and Sirius. "What's going on there? Some lovers quarrel?"

Cassie and Peter laughed as Sirius finally got out of James's grip. Sirius gave Cassie the finger, smiling sarcastically.

Remus sat on the elbow of the sofa. "What'd I miss?"

"I was trying to read." Sirius snatched the book back from Cassie. "But these three decided to be funny today."

Remus nudged Sirius's foot with his. "You're moody today."

"Yeah," Cassie agreed, "What's up with you?"

"How are we all gonna fit under the cloak without weirding out Evans?"

"I've been wondering that too," James added.

Cassie waved her hand dismissively. "I've got it all covered."

They all looked at her, eyebrows raised.

"Oh, you want me to elaborate?"

James shook his head, laughing. "Yes, Cassie."

"You'll see. And anyways, I should probably go up there with Evans. Last minute details and all."

She dismissed herself and headed up for Lily's dorm. They were supposed to have a "sleepover" so that it wouldn't look weird to Marlene or Mary. They'd pretend that they're just having a sleepover, but they'd slip out late at night. And Cassie still needed to think of a way to work out everything.


Cassie brushed Lily's hair out of her face. "Wake up, sleepy," she whispered.

Lily slowly blinked her eyes open. "You're- is that a leather jacket?"

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