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October 13th, 1975

Hair-Raising Potion. Rat tails. Porcupine Quills. Billywig-

"Evans?" Cassie whispered.

Lily looked up from her textbook. "Hm?"

"Can we study after class?"

"Do you need it?"

Cassie nodded. "I don't get this. Or that one." She pointed to the Deflating Draught.

"Why not?"


"Ladies!" Professor Slughorn started. "As exciting as your conversation probably is, I'd advise you continue studying. You have an essay on the properties of Moonstone and it's uses due this Friday."

"That's my bad, Professor. I was just confused on something and I asked Ev- Lily for help."

"Very well. Continue with your work."

When he turned around, Lily nudged Cassie and smiled. "Thank you. And come to my dorm later."

Cassie grinned. "You are my lord and savior, Lily Evans."

"Yeah, yeah." Lily rolled her eyes but she couldn't help smiling to herself.


Lily was walking out of her last class of the day when she spotted Mary. She had been waiting for her outside the classroom.

"Hi, Mary."

She nudged her. "What's up with you?"

"What? Nothing."

"You seem off."

Lily looked at her, brow furrowed. "Do I? I'm perfectly fine."

"Did James want to see you or something?"

She shook her head. "And even if he did, I have a study session with Cassie." She had completely forgotten about it until she said it.

"She might as well change dorms. You guys study all the time."

"Yeah, come back to me when you fail the O.W.L.s."

"Oh shit, that's this year," Mary laughed, in sudden realization.

"Mary, can I-"

"You already know the answer is yes. But don't forget about Marlene's practice later."

"I would never," Lily answered. "And Cassie has practice too so I'll just show up with her."

"Speaking of. . ." Mary pointed to the girl walking towards them. Cassie lifted her hand up in a wave. Lily did the same back.

"Mary, beauty as always."

She giggled. "You flatter me, Cassie."

"As always," she winked. "Can I steal Evans from you?"

"All yours. Bye, Lily."

Lily waved goodbye, and looked back at Cassie. "I didn't know you flirted with Mary."

"I don't. That wasn't flirting, I was simply complimenting her."


"What, Evans?" She grinned. "Do you want me to flirt with her?"

"I never said that."

"Right. Not Mary. You."

Lily's eyes widened. "What?"

It's You That I Want | L. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now