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November 3rd, 1975

Cassie woke up to the sound of two very off-key people singing. She knew exactly who they were so she flipped them off and shoved her face back into her pillow. She felt so groggy after last night. Although today was her birthday, the party had happened yesterday.

(previous day)

"What do you think James planned for us this time?" Sirius whispered to her at lunch.

Cassie grinned. "You don't have to worry. Evans helped him out with it."


"Mhm. The entire thing. And James being James probably let her do anything."

Sirius snorted. "Unlike when Peter tries helping and James becomes the most stubborn arse in the entire universe."

"Yes, exactly! So I'm pretty sure it'll be great."

He nodded. "Just don't tell James we had little faith in him."

She waved her hand dismissively. "He knows we love him."

"Hey, why is Lily helping him anyway?"

She shrugged. "Guess she wanted to." Cassie knew the real reason why. She'd replayed it in her head a bunch of times. Lily was doing this for her. Did that mean something? Or was Cassie just overthinking? 

"I'm not getting a full story."

"Yeah, well don't expect one to come," she said. "This is the first time we get to hangout. You're always with Remus, and I get it, he's your boyfriend, but I'm your sister. I wanna spend time with you too."

"Hypocrite! You're always with Lily Evans!"

Suddenly, Cassie got defensive. "Leave her out of this. And I'm not snogging her all the fucking time. She's the reason I'm actually passing most of my classes right now. And she's actually-"

"Whoa, Cass, I was joking."

Cassie stuffed her face with food, and mumbled, "Right, sorry."

Sirius only looked at her, but he didn't say anything. What was it with that? They never said what they were thinking. Cassie certainly knew a little something about that.


Before they knew it, it was already time for the party. Dorcas had confined Cassie to her room and didn't let her leave until the exact time. She figured Remus had done the same to Sirius, though they could've done a few things to spare the time. Cassie loved her best friend, but she wanted to see her cake. She wanted to see the stack of gifts. She wanted to dance, party, drink.

But she mostly wanted to see what Lily and James had come up with. Or if Regulus had showed up this year. They always invited him, but he never showed. There was a small chance he would this year, but Cassie could always hope. He left her a small "happy birthday" note at dinner, and when they looked at each other, he smiled for the first time in awhile. She hadn't been used to that. Regulus wasn't one for smiling. But that didn't mean anything. He got her a book last year, but no show.

Cassie could already hear the sounds of people talking down in the common room.

"Dorcas, let me out!"

Dorcas was practically glued to the door. "No, not yet. And are you seriously going to wear that to your party?"

She rolled her eyes. "God, you sound like Emmeline."

It's You That I Want | L. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now