Let the Mission Begin!

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The next morning, the Wiggles woke up and they weren't feeling great.

"Hey. Why does my nose hurt?" said Greg.

"I dunno, but my throat feels kinda funny" said Anthony. 

Murray held his tummy and said "I think I'm gonna be sick."

"Me too. From this migraine I have" said Jeff.

"Ugh. Mr Dankworth, what is happening to us?" said Anthony.

"The sickness is a sign that your bodies are accepting the gifts I gave you" said Dankworth.

The Wiggles groaned in pain in unison.

"Be patient, my good men. The gift receiving sickness should wear off soon." said Dankworth.

"I hope so. I can never concentrate when my throat hurts" said Anthony.

"Come, Wiggles. This is your bi-plane. It is not as advanced as you are used to. But it will do you well if you use it carefully" said Dankworth.

"Yes sir" said Greg.

"Now. Let the mission begin. Hurry on to the jungle and find the missing piece" said Dankworth.

"But what is it?" said Murray.

"Like I said before. Go on the adventure and you will see" said Dankworth.

The Wiggles got in their bi-plane and flew it. 

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