It's Time

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Sam took Murray back to the Wigglehouse.

"How you feeling?" she said.

"Okay I guess. But I'm still a bit worried" said Murray.

"But after you "bled half to death", Dankworth slowed the process down. You'll be fine" said Sam.

"Are you sure?" said Murray.

"Uh, nope" said Sam.

"Great. Now I feel so much better" said Murray sarcastically.

Sam hugged Murray to try and comfort him.

Murray hugged back and he did feel a little better.

But then he had another contraction.

"Ooh! Oh, dear, these things are relentless" Murray sobbed.

"It's okay. When me and the guys took Bernadette to have her baby, we were sent home because we were too early" said Sam.

"Then I still have time" Murray guessed.


Murray took a breath and collapsed onto his bed in exhaustion. 

"Oh, Murray" Sam sighed.

The other Wiggles came in.

"What's going on?" said Jeff.

"I'm nearly in labor" said Murray as he had another contraction.

"Sam. Are you gonna help Murray through this like you did when he had Kate?" said Greg.

"Of course!" said Sam.

Murray had another contraction as she said that.

"Ooh! Ooh, Sam, I think my contractions are getting closer together" said Murray.

"Then let's get in the Big Red Car and head to the hospital" said Greg.

While the other Wiggles got things started, Murray stayed with Sam.

"Sam? I'm frightened. I'm really frightened" Murray cried.

"It's okay" Sam whispered.

She leaned down and kissed Murray's baby bump. 

"Would you sing to her? It should keep her calm. And I know it'll help me feel better" said Murray.

Sam nodded her head.

"What should I sing?" she said.

"Sing the lullaby I wrote for Georgia. I sang it for this little one when she acted up in the middle of the night" said Murray.  

"I'm sorry, Muzz, but I don't know it" said Sam.

Murray recited the song lyrics to Sam so she could know it.

Sam leaned down close to Murray's tummy and sang.

Hear the wind in the trees

See the leaves falling down

Feel the soft rain on your face 

As we walk around

Smell the flowers sweet scent

Taste the food that I bring

Daddy's right here with you now

And it's your song that I sing

Murray felt better after hearing his favorite person sing.

But then he felt a bigger pain.

"Sam! My water broke!" Murray sobbed.

"Holy nuts..." Sam gasped.

She called her friends and told them to meet her at the hospital.

Then Sam and the Wiggles got in the Big Red Car and off they went.

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