Dance Fighting

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The Wiggles were thinking about how to distract the guards of the transportation shed.

"Maybe just one of us will distract the guards. And then the rest of us will get in there and find the right transportation" said Greg.

"Good idea, Greg. But which one of us will distract those guys?" said Anthony.

"Well... I've learned a few things from Sam. Remember that time she and I distracted the Queen of Hearts?" said Murray.

"Yeah... but Sam was with you. She really seemed to have... the courage. I dunno how we would last two days without the kids" said Greg.

"Maybe we could. We already survived two days without them. And Murray does seem to have... you know... the tool kit to distract the guards?" said Jeff.

"What do you mean the tool kit?" said Murray.

"Murray, you're pregnant. A pregnant man would distract anyone" said Jeff.

"I guess..." said Murray awkwardly.

"Think you can handle it?" said Anthony. 

Murray looked at his baby bump and hesitated.

"I dunno. I might be unknowingly sentencing my little one to death" he said.

"Come on, Murray. If Sam can, so can you" said Greg.

Murray nodded his head in determination and ran down to where the guards were.

While the other Wiggles snuck into the shed, Murray walked up to the guards.

But he stopped in his tracks as one of the guards clicked a gun. 

"If Sam can, you can" Murray reminded himself.

But then a nearby radio turned itself on and a song played.

Ooh, baby I love your way

Every day, yeah yeah

Murray knew what that meant. 

"Hey. You guys like to dance?" he said to the guards.

Murray started doing dance moves. 

Then he started using those dance moves to attack the guards.

Jeff was watching through the window of the transportation shed.

"His strength is dance fighting" he said.

Anthony joined the watching. 

Murray was punching the guards and flipping them and kicking them and he was dancing at the same time.

"He's fighting them! That's exactly what Sam would do" said Jeff.

"Yeah, Murray!" Anthony cheered.

Murray kept dance fighting until he eventually knocked out the first guard.

"He is destroying them!" said Anthony.

Murray dance fought the second guard. 

He ended that dance by knocking the guard down and punching him across the face to knock him unconscious.

Murray was finally able to join his mates.

"You go, Murray! Whoo! Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" Jeff cheered.

"Go Murray!" Anthony shouted.

And then the gazebo that the guards were standing on collapsed on top of the unconscious guards. 

Murray entered the shed.

"Yes! You're our hero!" Jeff shouted.

"You should give us lessons in dance fighting" said Anthony.

Murray hugged his mates.

"Those guys didn't hurt the baby did they?" said Jeff.

"No. But I hope I didn't hurt her during the dance fight" said Murray.

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