Strengths and Weaknesses

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The Wiggles kept walking. 

"Okay... so Dankworth also said he gave us special strengths and weaknesses" said Greg.

"But what are they?" said Jeff.

"I wonder if there's a way for us to know. Like accessing them or something" said Murray.

"That is right, Murray. Just press the place where your gifts were bestowed and you will see" said Dankworth's voice.

Greg touched his nose and a list appeared.

"Wow!" he said.

"Check it out" said Anthony. 

Greg read his strengths which consisted of magic tricks, speed, climbing, and powering transportation.

"That makes sense to me" said Jeff.

"Weaknesses: None?" said Greg.

Jeff accessed his list by touching his head.

"Interesting. Strengths: sleeping, mathematics, fixing things, and surfing" he said.

"Wow! A couple of those apply to your un-gifted life, Jeff" said Anthony.

"Weakness: Poison" Jeff read.

"Eh. Makes sense" said Greg.

Murray touched his tummy and his strength list appeared.

"Strengths: playing guitar, intelligence, karate, dance fighting" he read.

"Dance fighting? Is that a thing?" said Jeff.

"Apparently" said Anthony. 

"Weakness: serious injury" said Murray.

"That's true. Some injuries can be hazardous and incurable" said Greg.

Anthony touched his throat and his list appeared.

"Strengths: cooking, cartography, quick thinking, positivity" he read.

"Wow! Those are good ones, but what's cartography?" said Jeff.

"It's... the study of maps I guess. That's pretty cool" said Murray.

"But it says my weakness is endurance. That's hard to go on without" said Anthony.

"Dankworth did say we'd have challenges along the way. And going on without endurance is a definite challenge" said Greg.

"Right. It's becoming clearer now" said Anthony.

"But none of these lists revealed our gifts" said Murray.

"We'll get it" said Jeff.

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