Getting Climactic

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"Hey, Wiggles. Look" said Jeff.

"What is it, Jeff?" said Murray. 

"The map. It's... changing" said Jeff.

"What do you mean it's changing?" said Greg.

"Well, there's not a lot of information, but a minute ago, it didn't say this and now it does" said Jeff.

"The Mighty Roar" Anthony read.

"The Mighty Roar? Now, what could that mean?" said Murray.

"If it's on the map, it must be the place we're headed to" said Greg.

"But how is there something on the map if we couldn't see anything before?" said Jeff.

"Dunno" said Murray.

Dankworth's voice spoke up.

"As you go on, the map will show more. If it shows you more, you are going the right way. If not, you are going in the opposite direction" it said.

"My goodness. So... the Mighty Roar is where we're supposed to head to next?" said Murray.

"Correct" said Dankworth's voice.

But then these strange people on motorcycles chased after the Wiggles.

The Wiggles ran for it and split up.

Anthony tripped and fell due to his lack of endurance.

One of the motorcycle freaks was about to catch him, but Murray karate kicked him away and knocked him out.

"Thanks for that, Murray" said Anthony.

"No problem" said Murray.

Jeff and Greg were going the other way. 

"Okay... this isn't working. We'll never outrun those guys" said Jeff.

But then Greg had an idea.

"Jeff! Speed is one of my strengths. Get on my back and I'll carry you" said Greg.

"Good thinking" said Jeff.

He hopped on Greg's back and the two of them made it to where Murray and Anthony were.

Soon the four Wiggles were standing on a waterfall cliff overlooking a river.

"Oh no!" said Anthony.

"Oh what?" the others responded.

"Oh no!"

"Oh what?"

"Oh no!" 

"Oh what?"

"We're trapped. They're sure to catch us now" said Anthony.

The motorcycle freaks were catching up to them.

"We have to jump!" said Murray.

"Huh?" said the other three.

Murray jumped over the waterfall and fell.

"Murray!" said Anthony.

"Jump!" Murray called.

Anthony jumped after Murray.

"Go on, Greg. You heard Murray!" said Jeff.

"Yeah, but we don't know how deep that water is" said Greg.

"It's fine. Hurry up!" said Anthony.

Greg and Jeff jumped off the cliff and joined their friends.

"Oh my goodness! That was so close" said Greg.

"Yeah. They almost caught us" said Anthony.

"Those strengths really seem to be working for us. Especially when things are getting climactic" said Murray.

"You said it" said Jeff.

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