The Flight Over the Canyon

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Greg looked out the window and saw more motorcycle freaks cycling towards the transportation shed.

"Wiggles! We gotta go! The motorcycle guys are coming!" he said.

"Then what do we do?" said Jeff.

"There's a helicopter. It seems to be the only thing that'll outrun a motorcycle" said Anthony.

"Who's gonna fly it?" said Murray. 

"I'll do it. One of my strengths is powering transportation" said Greg.

The Wiggles got in the helicopter and Greg flew it over the canyon.

There were albino rhinos in the canyon. 

"Now what?" said Jeff.

"Now you get across the canyon before the rhinos catch you" said Dankworth's voice.

The rhinos ran along the inside of the canyon.

They didn't see the Wiggles until they tried flying over them.

The rhino jumped up and almost broke the helicopter.

"What are we gonna do?" said Anthony.

"Maybe one of us can distract the rhinos so we can slip out" said Greg.

Jeff jumped out of the helicopter and landed on one of the rhinos. 

The rhinos chased him.

"Whoa! No! Heel! Heel! Stop!" Jeff yelled.

Then one of the rhinos picked Jeff up with its horn and threw him sending him flying.

"Jeff!" Murray cried.

"Greg, get ready to tilt the helicopter" said Anthony opening the door.

"What?" said Greg.

"When I tell you, roll ninety degrees to the right" said Anthony.

Jeff fell further down.

"Now!" said Anthony.

Greg tilted the helicopter to the side and Jeff fell through the open door. 

"Thanks, guys" said Jeff.

The Wiggles landed the helicopter. 

"Wow! That was really something" said Murray.

"Yeah. And I was a human sacrifice. You guys don't know what's on the other side of those rhinos. And you don't wanna know" said Jeff.

"Really?" said Greg.

"Oh, yes. I've seen a lot of things. Felt them on my face too. Things that I will NOT be able to erase from my memory" said Jeff.

"My goodness" Murray whispered.

"My goodness is right. Now. What do we do now?" said Jeff.

"I have transported your biplane here. You must now fly it deeper into the jungle. You still have not found its heart" said Dankworth's voice.

"Yes sir. We will" said Greg.

The Wiggles got back in their plane and off they went.

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