Chapter 1.

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"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

The chants of the crowd grew loud for the greedy scent of blood.

These kids are crazy.

There stood two teenagers ready for a fight. On the left there was a teenaged boy with his hands up to brawl while shouting out curses for his opponent.

" What? chickened out? Very wise I wouldn't want to hurt your pretty face-" The man named Kiyomasa started but wasn't able to finish.

The side of his face met the hard kick of his opponent. He was sent flying to his right as his back collided with a short brick wall.

" What's a 14 year old like you smoking? Don't you have home work?" The stern yet confused voice of his opponent stated walking over to him.

His body limped as he tried to get up, his back ached and his cheek visibly red. The inside of his mouth bleeding, he refused to spit it out, he refused to accept that the cause of his bleeding was from a girl.

The loud crowd died down as doubt filled their minds, the person they bet their money on was about to lose. The disciples of Kiyomasa kept on shouting words of encouragement and curses at the girl who was clearly about to win.

"Hah....damn Y/n, your getting on my nerves!!" He sprang up arms stretched out to reach his competitor.

He got hold of her shoulders and pinned her on the grounded, smiling like a manic he was.

" Your breath smells bad, I have gum if you'd want" Her face was unfazed as if what was happening to her wasn't a priority.

" Thank you for the offer, but I don't think you'd be able to fulfil it!!" He raised his fist ready to attack.

"Yea!! Show her whose boss!"

" Take her back to the kitchen!!!"

Her head swiftly moved to side, where the punch wouldn't be able to reach her face. She lifted her knee hitting Kiyomasa stomach hard. His tight grip on her loosened as he wrapped his arms around his stomach coughing slightly.

"Hmm Ew, now your spit is on my skirt. " A scowl was shown on her face, even her curly hair must of picked up some dirt.

She saw the space available between her body and Kiyomasa, so she brought her knees close to her chest and kicked Kiyomasa chin then rolling backwards where she wasn't beneath the guy.

She stood up and patted her skirt and rustled up her hair to get the dirt off, then proceed to walk towards her opponent.

"What the hell...." The boy she substituted for muttered on the stands in amazement.

" Get up! or might as well give up." Her arms laid beside her hips, her fist was clenched too.

" S-Shut up!!!" He stood up and started charging at her to only get punched in the nose. Blood trickled down staining his white uniform. He barley managed to stay up right. Just who in the hell is this girl?

"S-Someone...B-Bring me a bat" He faintly said.

" A bat?"

" But this is a one on one?"

Confusion and worry arose from the crowd, as he called for his bat.

"Hurry up. damn it!" He yelled, covering his bleeding nose with his left hand.

"Hey, Kiyomasa" A voice from behind Kiyomasa uttered tiredly.

Kiyomasa grunted in annoyance until he realized who was speaking.

" You're scarin' the crowd"

Y/n simply looked past Kiyomasa curious of the voice. She was met with a boy much taller then she is, bald, except a strand of hair in the front and a braid that led down his head. He was wearing some type of black n' white robe. She noticed there was also a dragon tattoo on his temple.

Who the hell is this? She thought.

The crowd dove into silence, all stood in fear except for the people who don't know who he is.

He continued on his walk closer to the 2 fighters as everyone's faces were tensed up, of course excluding Y/n.

" Hey, Kenny" She heard a voice call out, supposedly his name?

" Wha? Don't call me by that stupid nickname here." Or not.

She took note of the guy behind this 'kenny'. He was about her height maybe a inch taller or two. He was chewing on something, the crumbs on his face were noticeable.

"I'm out of dorayaki" He replied to 'kenny' with a smile on his face. She was reminded of a rebeled child.

Out of the blue everyone started bowing spontaneously. And greeted in sync: " Good day, sir!"

Sir? He a litteral child, or are talking about the slender man? She chuckled a little under her breath, but soon felt a stare. She looked up having direct eye contact with the 'sir' they greeted. He licked the side of his lips collecting the leftover crumbs and proceed to walk closer to Y/n.

They greeted again but instead they said: " Good day, Commander sir!"

Y/n and the 'commander' still held contact even as he came closer to her. As he came closer his features were more noticeable. His ash blonde hair, mid in length, his eyelashes were thick, you'd think he had on eyeliner or mascara. His skin, pale and clear, his eyes jet black and wide.

The semi bold man kicked her opponent in the gut, she wasn't paying attention to that anyways.

"Oh, a female, I see"

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