Chapter 9

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What could be taking her so long? I wondered playing with my thumb.

I look around her house, it's nice one. I can't help but think about our first interaction, how we were mere strangers and now here I am sitting on the couch in her living room.

She's like no other. Fearless, honest, funny and funny looking, just kidding. Her looks are something I can speak so passionate about.

Her warm brown eyes are worth more then any gem. And if she were a gem I'd be the highest bidder.
Her hair beautiful black, and in no matter what style it's in, it will always suit her pretty face.
Her lips, soft looking and plump, never has someone's lips looked so tempting.


Again? Do I remind her of a mouse?

"Yes?" I answer her standing up.

I heard her foot steps comming down the stairs.

"Do I look good in this?"

I looked to my side and swore I saw an angel.

There standing was a piece of art. A piece of art wearing a pale green dress complimenting her lovely skin. Her hair in long braids, her face enchanting.  My heart rate increasing.


I must've stared for too long.

" look like you stole Christmas, grinch"  What the f$%# did I just say?

"What!?" She yelled in confusion but started laughing and I did with her, her laugh is not only euphonios but contagious.

"But look gorgeous" I said as I crepted up to her.

Her eyes never leaving mine, how bold I thought with a smirk.

Placing my hands at her waist, she flinched a little, whose the mouse now? I drew her near me, our stomachs touching.

"You think so?" She asked

"Yes" I said staring at her lips.

I never really thought about how she fitted perfectly under me, a complete puzzle piece. 

"I've been wanting to ask.." I whispered.

"Which is?" She replied.

"Are you going to wear a Sweater? It'll get pretty cold." I said backing off. My mind was cursing at me and My heart surely dissapionted.

I can't do that out of the blue, let's not rush it.

"Oh...oh! Uh yea!, I'll wear a cardigan...thanks"

He had me scared, I tried my best to show that I'm confident. I hope he didn't see through me.

Does he see me in a different light? Yes?  Well I mean he wouldn't have done that If not....but I could just be overreacting, maybe he was just teasing me?

My heart ached. Why?

"You alright there?" He asked me placing his hand on my shoulder.

Are you playing with me?

"Yes, I'm fine." I reply trying not to sound to harsh.

"This is my first time at this festival." I told him quickly.

"Really?" He looked at me interested.

I love his eye shape.

"How come?" He asked.

"My mother is really protective of me, she wouldn't let me go to places like these with out my older brother."  I answered him.

"Oh you have an older brother?" He questioned.

" Yea, his name is Issac."

"And I'm assuming Issac didn't want to go with you?" He said chuckling.

"Yea..." I said with a sigh.

"Understandable, you are quite annoying."

"Speak for yourself, the way you walk annoys me." I said laughing.

"What's wrong with my walk?" He questioned.

"You walk like-

"Mickey mouse?" Great! He finished the sentence for me.

"I love this self awarement." I Said looking at him so proud.

He pinched my nose with a smirk on his face.

"Got quite the jokes, grinch. Now don't steal any of the kids joyful spirits at the festival."

"What resembles the grinch is nothing but your smile."

"Says the lady wearing green."

I laughed and hit his side, he deserved it.

Soon enough we made it to the festival, it was quite quick actually.

I felt a tug on my green skim dress. I turned around and it was a little boy, holding a flower.

His cheeks were rosy red and his eyes were big and lovely.

"Dis..for you!" He said excitedly, holding the flower in front of his face.

I melted.

"Aw, how thoughtful, thank you!" I took the flower but in return I gave him candy that I had in my shoulder purse.

He ran away with delight.

"Now what did you say about stealing kids spirit? Yea I thought so." I said to Mikey proud.

He rolled his eyes and chuckled a little.

Admiring the scene in front of me, I couldn't help but think about what happened to me back then.

I think I can do this...Mom is wrong I don't need Isaac, nothing will happen to me here...I hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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