Chapter One

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"So, this is what it feels like to die." The words left my mouth in short gasps as my lungs tried to bring in as much air as they could. My chest feeling like there was a truck sitting on it, crushing my organs and fighting the little air that was actually making it into my lungs. My hand rested on my hip as the feeling of being stabbed protrudes the fleshy area under my ribs. I felt my body slowly fall to the ground, my bottom landing harshly on the tar of the sidewalk I was just standing on. My eyes were closed, and I finally lay back onto the ground, a bright shining light piercing through my closed eyelids. All at once that light was dimmed out and replaced with a darkness.

"Dear lord, Quinn! Don't be so dramatic!" Sighing, I opened my eyes slightly and peeked out at the shadow blocking the sun from hitting my eyes, "We haven't even run a mile yet!"

"Continue without me, let me die in peace." My eyes closed again as my breath began to even out and the pain in my side subsided. My arms were stretched out on either side of me, blocking the sidewalk from other travelers. I do not know why I let Landon convince me to leave the comfort of my bed at seven o'clock in the morning on a Saturday to go for a run. I do not run. Not unless something is chasing me that is.

My best friend of twenty years knows how to get to me though. Having been across the country from him for the last two years I just couldn't say no to him. We hadn't seen each other in two years, and he surprised me at my apartment door last night. We had stayed up all night catching up as if we hadn't even talked in two years, when in fact we spoke with each other almost every night. Little did I know he would wake me up bright and early the next morning to drag me to my death. I never would have let him in.

"Quinn, your head is right next to a pile of dog shit." My eyes opened wide and I stood up as if someone had been about to light my hair on fire, a squeal leaving my mouth. I turned around and looked at the ground where I had just been lying down and saw nothing there besides rocks and some chunks of tar that had broken off from the cracked sidewalk. A boisterous laugh broke out behind me and I turned and smacked Landon in the arm.

"Not funny, asshole!" I glared, crossing my arms over my chest. My body finally feeling its normal lazy self, though I knew my body would be sore tomorrow morning. "I am done this torturous task, I need food." That earned an eye roll from Landon.

"Come on, you insufferable wench." I glared harder at Landon as he placed his arm over my shoulder, guiding me out of the park we had just been running in. "Let's go back to your place and get cleaned up and I'll call everyone to meet for breakfast." I smiled and nodded as we walked in silence.

The city was quiet for eight o'clock even on a Sunday morning. The only sounds that could be heard were the few cars passing by, and the birds singing in the trees, happy for the spring to have finally arrive. They were not the only ones happy about that. The smell of wet grass growing back to life, the trees blossoming beautiful colors of new flowers. The lilac trees finally bloomed, the scent wrapping around me like a warm banket. I silently walked over to the lilac tree and plucked a few bundles of flowers to bring home. Spring was one of my favorite seasons, it was a symbol of a beautiful fresh start. It was a symbol of life and growth.

Birds flew home after flying south to avoid the brutal winter, building new nests to hatch their babies. Other animals were running around the park as if playing with each other after avoiding the cold air for so many months. I can't say I missed the bugs though, as I swatted at them as they tried attacking my arms and legs. There was a crisp earthy smell as nature came back to life and I couldn't help but close my eyes and take a deep breath reveling in it. The air was still cool but was quickly warming as the sun rose higher into the sky.

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