Day 1

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You sip your coffee at the kitchen counter, trying to psych yourself up for the day ahead; a nearly impossible task when uncaffeinated and look up when Keigo walks in, spectacularly shirtless and towel drying his hair. 
"Good morning, baby bird,," he says, slightly out of breath, his cheeks a little flushed. 
You frown in concern and abandon your mug to feel his forehead. "Are you coming down with something?" 
He shrugs you off and tries to downplay the feverish look in his eyes. 
"Kei, I'm serious," you say, stepping back and giving him a once over.
He's ruddy, his eyes a little glazed as he kisses her forehead. "I feel fine, songbird. It should pass in a day or so." 

"You're not sick." You put two and two together with a small smirk. "My bird boy is in heat." 
Keigo looks at you in dismay. "Really? That's very personal, you don't need to throw it out there like that." 
His flustered expression makes you laugh. "Personal, hmmm? More personal than what we did last night?" You tease. "Honestly, Kei, you're such a prude." You hook your finger into the waistline of his grey sweats and tug him closer. 

His blush intensifies as you press against him. 
"I'm fine, honestly," he says, trying to extricate himself.
"Of course," you agree a little sarcastically before flicking your tongue across the tip of a feather. The slight contact makes him moan, his hips thrusting forward of their own accord. "Perfectly fine… not like a stiff breeze won't make you hump someone's leg in public." 
"Fuck!" he swears under his breath. "Will you stop doing that!" 
You blow another cool stream of air across his wings just to watch him shudder helplessly. "I'm not doing anything… yet…" Your fingers trail teasingly down his wings, the softest touch making him pant. 

"Let me take care of you Keigo," you coax, running her fingers through his hair. 
He shakes his head in denial. "I can't ask that of you."
"You'll find that I insist," you say, hugging him. "Come on, Daddy… let me make you feel good." 
"I can help to take the edge off," 
You tilt his face towards yours for a kiss. What you'd intended as a soft touch, a gentle stoke of desire is met with an inferno when his hands fist your hair, his mouth slanting across yours ravenously. 
You're barely able to moan your approval before he has you pressed against the counter, his hands searching for your skin with unfinessed desperation. 

He lifts you onto the countertop, grinding against you uncontrollably to ease his lust; the kiss turning hard and deep, your tongue fighting his for dominance as your hands tighten on his shoulders. When he starts tugging your jeans off you lift your hips, helping him strip you down before the garment is sent flying impatiently and he's falling into you again. 
You devour each other until he's suddenly pushing you back roughly, demanding hands spreading your thighs as he licks his lips and lowers his head. 

Your soft moans meld with the starved sounds escaping his throat as he licks up your slit, his hands pinning your thighs to the marble to hold you open for his sensual assault. 
Every swipe of his tongue has you dripping into his mouth, your pussy clenching emptily until two fingers fill you roughly and force a loud cry from your lips. "FUCK!" You swear, as your back arches and your hips buck, pressing your pussy firmly against his mouth. 
He latches onto your clit, sucking it between his lips before gently scraping his teeth across it. For a moment you regret teasing him when his hands convulse, a growl rumbling from his chest as he yanks you towards him, your ass half hanging off the counter. You shriek as in one swift motion her has his sweats down around his thighs and plunges his cock into you. 

He takes full advantage of your parted lips, spitting into your mouth and finger and his saliva into your throat until you gag. "Is this what you wanted, songbird? You had to push, you had to fucking push me, didn't you?" 
He thrusts hard, the violent motion making your body jolt as his hips slam into the back of your thighs. "Kei, don't stop, please daddy, don't fucking stop," you whimper, reaching for him, dragging your nails down his chest. The slight sting when you scratch across his nipples steals a hiss from him, driving him into a frenzy.

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