Day 7

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"Keigo!" You shriek in surprise as he yanks back the shower curtain, cold air hitting your warm skin. 
"I heard you were wet, songbird," he says with a grin and reaches for you, grabbing you around the waist and pulling your soaked body against his. "I couldn't resist."
"You're insane," you laugh, as his t-shirt grows damp and translucent, clinging to his strong chest. 
"I'm hungry," he retorts, licking the droplets from your lips before kissing you. "Come on, breakfast." 
He hoists you over his shoulder as you shriek again and carries you back to bed, dumping you into it. You bounce and drag a sheet around yourself as you sit up, noticing he's made coffee and warmed pastries. 
"What's this about?" 
He shrugs. "To end off a good week?" 
You reach for a pastry and shudder involuntarily as something viscous dribbles down the back of your neck.The sensation is immediately followed by the unmistakable glide of his tongue and a rumbling growl. 
"Kei," you sigh, glancing over your shoulder at him. "I thought you were hungry." 
"I am," he murmurs against your skin, dripping more honey down your spine, following the slow trickle to the small of your back. 
He tugs at the sheet and cups your breasts, his fingers rolling and pinching your nipples until you moan and drop the sweet treat to reach for him. Turning in his arms, you wrap your arms around his neck as he pushes you back. 
He touches his mouth to yours, his tongue licking the seam of your lips for entrance you grant with a sigh. 
"Keigo…" you moan breathily as the decadent, earthy taste of honey invades your senses. Hungrily, your tongue meets his, your hand cupping his cheek as you deepen the kiss, arching your body to his. 
Your nipples brush against the damp cotton of his t-shirt and you tug at it impatiently. "Off," you demand impatiently and nearly moan when he tears it over his head, revealing his chest. 
"Better, songbird?" He asks as he lowers his head, lips and teeth attacking your throat hungrily, leaving little love bites on your skin. 
You whimper as he bites a little harder, his touch turning more possessive as pulls the sheet from your lower body too. His hands spread your thighs wide, his fingers digging into your inner thighs. 

Your thighs grow sticky and you open your eyes to see drizzles of honey dripping from the dropper to paint your skin. 
He meets your gaze as he leads with his tongue, lapping your inner thighs as starved sounds escape him. 
"Delicious," he murmurs, "you're delicious, songbird." He nips your thigh hard enough to make you yelp as he laughs softly, warm breath fanning across your skin. 
You bite your lip, sliding your fingers into his hair and tugging, trying to urge his mouth to your aching clit. 
He resists, pouring more honey higher on your legs, across your lower stomach and sets to feasting again like a starving man.
Your pussy twitches greedily, desperate to be filled as you rock your hips towards him in invitation. 
Ignoring your silent plea, he licks you leisurely, his tongue drawing closer to your pussy as you shiver in anticipation. "Patience, songbird," he says, swiping his tongue through your slit, nearly making you shudder out of your skin. "I want to savor my meal." 
He nips softly at your clit, the gentle tease of teeth pulls a gasp from you, your hands tightening in his hair to tug more insistently. 
"Your meal's getting cold." 
He laughs at your impatience and sets his mouth to you more firmly, lips and tongue teasing your pussy incessantly. 

Sucking and slurping at your pussy, he devours you, his tongue pressing deep into your twitching hole, lapping your wetness with a low growl. 
You arch and pant, spreading your legs wider, bucking your hips to press yourself more firmly against him. 
"Oh fuck… Kei… fuuuuuuck…" you moan, your hips pumping to the rhythm he sets. 
He hums a sound of agreement, inhaling hard and sharp through his nose, his hands tightening on your thighs, pulling you down as he holds you open. 
"That's right, songbird," he praises between sloppy kisses. "My slutty little bird tastes so fucking good… can't… get… enough…" His breath shudders and you moan at how tenuous his control sounds.
The press of something foreign between your thighs makes you tense up and he sucks your clit with gentle pulls, his tongue flicking teasingly until you relax again. 
"Easy, baby bird," he says, fingers stroking soothingly up and down your thigh, "you can take it." 

Raising yourself onto your elbows, you peer between your spread legs and see the dipper in his hands, honey spilling between his fingers as he gently inserts the glass handle into you. 
You whimper softly, your head falling back in pleasure as the smooth ribs rub against your g-spot. 
"Good girl, you're such a good girl for me," he says before covering your pussy in open mouthed kisses. "Feed me this pretty cunt, songbird… yeah like that, just like that baby." 
You twitch around the intrusion, your pussy clamping down greedily on every small thrust. Your hips pump, the friction making your thighs quiver, need twisting and flickering like a flame in the pit of your stomach. 
His tongue lapping lazily across your clit keeps you lingering on the verge of orgasm before he backs down and blows a cool stream of air across your pussy. He laughs as you whine, his name escaping you desperately, your fingers knotting the sheets in a death grip. 
"Fuck me, Kei…" you moan breathlessly, thrusting your hips, pressing your clit more firmly against his tongue as you seek friction. 

He sucks your clit hard, making your whole body jerk before he smiles up at you, his golden eyes dark with lust. "Does my songbird want Daddy's fat cock?"
Nodding, you reach for him and feel him tug the glass handle from you gently, tossing it aside as he crawls up your body and covers you. You run your hands down his back to his firm ass, sliding your fingers beneath the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down his thighs. 
He kicks them off and spreads your legs, one hand holding your knee high and wide as the other teases your slit. "My needy little slut, always so desperate for it, aren't you?" 
Your pussy twitches as he pushes the tip of one finger into you, your walls trying to clamp down for more. "Please, Kei… Daddy… just fuck me already." 
He thrusts his finger deeper. "I am, songbird. This not enough for you?" 
When you try reaching for his cock, he grabs your wrists and pins them roughly above your head. "I asked you a question, baby bird… is my finger not enough? Tell me… no, beg… beg me for it." 
He teases the head of his cock through your wet folds and drags it across your clit, laughing softly as your hips jerk. 
"Come on, beg… let me hear how needy you are." 

Your voice is a pitiful whine as you try to wrest your hands from his grip. 
"Kei, anata… please fuck me," you pant softly. 
"I don't think that's good enough, kid," he mocks, smirking down at you. 
You shriek in frustration, thrashing to free yourself. "Goddamnit Kei, give me the fucking dick!" 
His laughter catches you off guard, his body shaking with it as he releases your wrists. "Guess that'll do," he says, gripping your knees, pushing your thighs wide as he thrusts hard. "Such a demanding slut," he groans, bottoming out with enough force to make you whimper, "this good enough for you, songbird?" 
"Fuck yes," you moan, reaching for him, your hands clutching his ass, your nails digging into the taut muscle. Using your grip as leverage, you impale yourself on every downward stroke of his cock, grinding against him until the friction makes your pussy clench. 

His breath stutters each time you clamp down around him, shaking hands tightening on your legs as he rocks into you hard and deep. 
"Look at you, slutty bird… my beautiful slutty bird, always taking my cock like you were made for it." 
You moan in agreement, raising your hips to his, clawing at his thighs to urge him deeper. "More, Kei… please I need more." 
He pulls out of you roughly, the sound of disappointment dying on your lips as he rolls you over and pulls you to your knees. In the space of a breath, he's inside you again, his thick cock splitting you open. With his hands on your hips he pulls you back, setting a bruising rhythm that makes you pant and whimper, little pleas of desperation lost into the sheets.
He fucks you like a ragdoll, the sound of his cock filling your wet pussy almost sinfully loud in the room. He slaps your ass and you yelp in surprise, the sweet ache pushing you over the edge as you cum with a loud scream. 
"Oh, fuck, songbird…" breath wheezes from his lungs as you squeeze down around him, "keep cumming for me." He reaches around, his fingers finding your clit in a strong, steady rhythm. 
The orgasm is ceaseless, your words growing hoarse and incoherent as he fucks you through the climax until you sob softly. 

"That's right, baby… don't stop," he whispers, "don't stop milking me. Just. Like. That. Take it out of me." 
At the first, hot burst of cum, he pushes you flat beneath him, his body pressing yours down as he shudders behind you, his groans of pleasure making you shiver. 
"Fuck, you feel so good… so fucking good." 
You pant softly, trying to catch your breath as his body finally grows still and he flops down beside you, breathing like he'd run a marathon. He pulls you to him, wrapping his wings around you as he kisses away the tears on your cheeks. 
"Shhhh, baby, it's okay, you're okay," he soothes quietly, his fingers gentle as he strokes your back. 
You nod, still too overwhelmed to speak as you hold onto him. 
"Talk to me," he urges and you tilt your face towards his, kissing his chin softly. 
"No knot?" 
He laughs breathlessly. "I think you fucked the rut right out of me, kid." 
"I can't wait for the next one." 

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