Day 2

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When you wake, you find the knot has deflated enough to allow you to move away. Kei sleeps at your side, his skin still flushed with heat and you look down at him for a moment before reaching a conclusion 
With a small smile playing on your lips, you get up and find what you need from the small chest in the closet before returning to bed. It's not easy tying his wrists to the headboard without waking him and he stirs at one point, almost interrupting your plans. 

When he's secured and definitely not going anywhere, you move between his thighs, nudging them apart gently. His cock lies hard and heavy against his stomach and you reach for him, wrapping your hand around the thick length. 

Pumping your hand a few times, you watch pre ooze and trickle from him, slicking your fingers until you lead with your tongue, lapping at him.
"Damn, songbird, was that not enough for you?" His voice is teasing, sleep laced and sexy as he tries to reach for you, only to find himself unable to. "What the fuck?" 
You grin at him. "It's my turn to fuck you," you say before opening your mouth wide and taking him inside. 

He goes from sleepy to alert in seconds, tugging at the restraints futilely. 

You pull off of his cock in annoyance. "I'm going to fuck you, Keigo." Your eyes dart to the strap on the bedside table and his follow, widening in shock. 
"You're not sticking that thing in my ass again, Kid." 
"Of course not… not until you're begging for it. And you will beg." 
"That isn't funny."
"I'm not joking," you reply and effectively cut him off by sucking his cock back into your mouth and sealing your lips around him. He can't whine when he's moaning like the bitch in heat he is. 
You suck him leisurely, pressing your tongue flat to the sensitive underside of his cock and feel his hips buck, trying to work himself into your throat. 
He growls viciously and tugs at his bindings as you hum with a mouthful of him. "Fuck, babybird… suck that cock, suck it, baby… like that…" He writhes beneath you, his skin flushed and pearled with perspiration; beautiful with his wings spread wide beneath him. 

You keep your eyes locked on his as he thrusts slowly between your lips, his hips rising and falling in a sensual rhythm that has your pussy clenching. Could your pussy possibly be jealous of your mouth? You'd think philosophy later, right now, you have a bird man to break. 
Swirling your tongue around as much of him as you can, considering his cock takes up so much space, you tease the sensitive head with every upward motion of your head. 
"That's enough of that," you say, releasing his cock with an obscenely loud pop and watch him gasp and pant for a moment, his arms straining above his head. 
"Finish me off," he moans, his hips instinctively seeking your lips. 
You laugh softly, carefully kneeling astride him without crushing his wings. "You're going to finish me off first and I'll decide whether or not to reward you." Propping a pillow beneath his head, you straddle his face and feel his tongue lash against your clit. 
"Songbird, at least fucking touch it… please, kid, I need to cum so bad it fucking hurts." 

He hisses between gritted teeth when you reach back and flick his cock with a fingernail. "Your orgasm depends on mine, Kei. Now be a good boy and eat my pussy like it's your last meal." 
Lowering yourself to his waiting mouth, you grip the headboard for stability, fighting the urge to absolutely smother him as his lips and tongue tease your pussy in a slow, soft kiss. Fuck he's good with his mouth… no, his mouth is absolute perfection as it roves across your pussy, his sounds of pleasure unashamedly loud when he drinks you down before setting in with more fervor than before. 
You swear with a soft sigh when his tongue fills you, thrusting deep as he growls. "Fuck babyboy," you murmur, grinding yourself hard against his face, your hips rising and falling until he removes his tongue. 
He nips and sucks your thighs as they quiver on either side of his jaw then sets his mouth back to you like a man possessed; starved, animal sounds reverberating against you. 

You crest, your heartbeat racing hard and fast, your whole body tightening as you keen with pleasure. Peaking almost painfully, you press yourself hard against him, one cry after the next escaping you as you shudder. After a while, the choked, muffled sounds reach you and you look down with a smirk to see his eyes wide and glazed with desire. 

"I think you earned that reward Keigo," you say and let him breathe for a moment. 
Working your way back down his body with little nips and kisses, reaching for the vibrator and flicking the switch. When it buzzes to life, you press the base of his cock and watch it jerk when he arches his back with a soft cry. 
"Fuck, oh fuck, babybird… what are yo-" his next cry is louder as your lips engulf him, teasing and sucking his cock mercilessly as you roll the vibrator down over his balls, his entire body shaking as he prepares to cum. "No, baby please," he jerks at the restraints, a wild look in his eyes when you pull away and leave him hanging. "Songbird, please you… you have to let me cum," he pants and you relent, hearing him moan as you start pleasuring him again. 

Every time he draws close, you stop, and he nearly rages with pent up frustration, his body twisting in the sheets, the soft rope abraiding his wrists. 
"Baby," he whispers hoarsely as you spit on his ass and slowly work a finger into him, the tight ring of muscle yielding to the gentle press and twist as you stretch him open. "Fuck, babybird… What are you doing to me?" 

"Making you feel good, Kei," you tell him, kissing his thighs as you reach blindly for the lube then coat your fingers and slide two into his ass. "Is that too much?" 
He shakes his head feverishly, the uninterrupted moans and submissive whimpers answer enough. "Don't stop, please, babybird please don't stop." 
"Beg me, Kei." Blowing a cool stream of air over the head of his cock, you meet his gaze. "Beg me to fuck you." 

"Anything, please I don't fucking care anymore just make me cum." 
"That's not what I want to hear." Your fingertips press against the walnut shaped spot inside of him and he nearly levitates off the bed, the sharp cry leaving his lips so beautifully broken it steals your breath. So you do it again just to feel the same rush of lust that makes your skin burn hot and your heartbeat race. 
"Please, songbird, fuck me!" 

He's a whimpering, trembling mess as you fit yourself into the harness and grip his knees, pulling them high and wide, spreading him open. 
"I'll go slow, Kei," you promise, pressing the head of the strap to his ass, pushing in slowly and watch it disappear. "Fuck, Keigo, baby you're so fucking hot." 
Setting an easy pace, you fuck him gently as he works himself against you, his cock bouncing against his stomach with every thrust. 

"Touch me," he pleads on a ner sob, "I'm fucking hurting for you, songbird… please I can't fucking take it anymore." 
"I've got you." Taking his cock into your hand, you stroke it at the same steady pace as your thrusts, loving the way he whimpers, arching his back, his wings trembling like they're caught in a breeze. Leaning forward, you slant your mouth across his, your hips surging, driving the strap deeper. 

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" He bellows, his body growing taut, bowing from the bed as he tugs the restraints free from the now splintering headboard. His arms tighten around you, pulling you against him as he shudders, his orgasm spilling between your bodies. "Oh fuck, I can't stop coming, babybird, I can't stop fucking cumming." 
You hold him until he falls almost still, his body shivering from time to time beneath yours. Gently, you pull out and unbuckle the harness, tossing it aside just in time for him to grab you and crush you to him. 

"Pay back is going to be bitch, birdie," he promises wickedly. 

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