Day 5

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He'd gone to work. 
You woke up alone, deliciously sore all over after the last few days marathon fucking only to find the apartment empty. Was his rut over already? 
Throwing your legs over the side of the bed, you start scheming. 
He might be done, but you were far from it. 

"Hey kid," he kisses your cheek after letting you into his office at the agency, "what brings you here?" 
You hold a takeout bag towards him. "I thought I'd reward you with yakitori for lunch." 
He grins, taking the bag from you and pulls you towards a plush sofa near the window. Man would sell his damn soul for chicken.  "And what did I do to deserve this?"
In answer, you tug at the strings of your wrap dress, letting it fall open and he flinches at the array of fingerprint bruises. 
"Fuck, kid.. I-... I'm sorry I didn't mean to get that carried away."
Letting the dress slide down your arms, you turn your back to him, revealing the bite marks across your shoulders. As the fabric slips down further, down the curve of your ass, you hear him gasp and know he's seen the handprints on your ass. 
"Oh, God," he chokes out and you turn to face him, leaving your dress on the floor. "I shouldn't have, I should have left and holed up somewhere until it passed. I- kid?" 

His eyes widen as, wordlessly, you unhook your bra and discard it before shimmying out of your panties. 
"Babybird? What the fuck are you doing?" 
"I want more, Keigo," you smile and walk towards him, straddling him, your fingers tugging at his buckle. "Or is it Hawks because you're at work?" 
"I don't think th-" 
"Then don't think… fuck me, Hawks." 
"Have you lost your mind? Anyone could walk in here and see you like this," he hisses, trying to still your hands. 
Trailing kisses down his throat you hum your agreement. "Maybe I don't care. Maybe that's exactly what I want… maybe I want everyone to see that I'm your whore, Hawks." 
His hand fists your hair, tugging your face towards his. "Is that what you are?" 
You nod and he smirks before his mouth crashes against yours, the hand in your hair holding you captive as his tongue swipes across your lips, demanding entrance you grant immediately. 

"I think my songbird is in heat," he teases, sliding a hand down your spine to grip your ass tightly. 
You laugh softly because you may as well be when it comes to him; your laugh soon turns into a moan as he uses his grip to grind you against him. 
"Must be… if you came all this way just for my cock." He bucks his hips, grinding his hardening cock against you and your fingers close on his wings for stability. "Not the wings, kid… hands behind your back."
He tugs his belt through the loops, securing your wrists behind you. 
"Do you think you earned it? Think I give my cock to any whore who demands it?" He spanks your ass hard and you whimper, rocking your hips against his crotch. He thrusts up and you topple forward, crashing into him with a soft cry. His lips press against the shell of your ear. "No, slutty bird… You want to come in here like a fucking bitch in heat, you can get off like one." 

He shifts you so you're straddling one of his thighs, the thick muscle pressing against your pussy when he flexes it. Your eyes roll with pleasure and as your lips part on a moan he thrusts two fingers into your mouth. 
"Shut the fuck up and suck," he says, reclining against the cushions like you aren't naked in his lap. His eyes rove across your body lazily as your tongue lashes his fingers. "That's a good slut." 
As you suck the digits thrusting between your lips, your hips rock, driving your clit against his thigh. 
A mewl escapes you, your pussy growing hot and wet as you grind yourself on him without shame. His free hand cups your breast, weighing it in his palm before kneading the soft flesh, his fingers teasing your nipple into a tight little peak before he draws back and delivers a stinging slap. 
You moan as he gives your other breast the same rough treatment before his breath fans across your skin. 

His teeth graze your nipple before he sucks it between his lips, his tongue gentle and teasing before he switches again. 
"You even sound like a whore today, songbird," he murmurs against your skin, his tongue swirling across one taut peak, "a whole agency full of people and you don't care who hears you." 
Pumping your hips frantically for more friction, you feel your pussy clench, your walls twitching deep inside.  
"Just listen to you. No fucking self-control," he spanks your ass hard and you yelp around his thrusting fingers, accidentally gagging yourself. "You want to get caught? Is that it, slutty bird? You want someone to walk in here and see you humping my leg like the bitch in heat you are?" 
His hand tightens on your hips, pulling you down, forcing your hips into a sensual figure eight that makes you shudder. 

"Turn around, little bitch, feet on the floor." 
You nearly fall, thrown off balance without the use of your hands. He catches the restraints, wrenching your shoulders even as he tries to hold you steady. You whimper, your muscles aching as he guides you back into his lap. His hands fidget for a second then you hear the sound of his zipper, the metal teeth grating as he tugs it down and releases his cock. 
"This what you came for?" He thrusts against your ass, leaving a cool trail of pre on your skin. "Tell me, slutty bird. Did you drive across town just so I could split that tight pussy in half? Are you that much of a cock slave?" 
"Yes," you whimper. "Yes I'm a fucking cock slave." 
"I'm not going to give it to you." He presses little kisses to your neck and shoulders. "You're going to work this thick cock into you all by yourself… earn it, babybird." 

Your attempts are pathetic, to say the least. With your wrists tied, you can't even grip him to line your bodies up. A frustrated whine escapes you while you wiggle your hips, arch your back, anything just to try and nudge his cock into you. 
"Keigo, please… I can't." 
He spanks your thigh again, the loud slap echoing around the office.  "Pathetic," he mocks. "Are you even trying?" 
"Yes!" You shriek at the next stinging slap. 
"Try fucking harder."
You struggle for a few minutes, nearly frustrated to the point of tears until he yanks your head back by the hair, biting your lip before kissing you hard and deep. "My poor pathetic little slut… making such a sloppy mess you've drenched my pants and still can't get my cock into you?" 
"I'm trying," you whine, still bucking your hips back, just grazing the head of cock with your throbbing hole. 

"Have to do everything myself," he says, throwing you off him and face first into the sofa. He kneels behind you, stroking the head or his cock through your juices, wetting himself. "Bite the pillow, bitch." 
You obey just in time to stifle the scream bubbling from your throat as he thrusts hard and deep, his cock filling you balls deep in one stroke. 
"You fucking came here looking for this," he says, his breathing already turning as harsh as the thrusts that make you shift against the soft fabric. 
Using your hair and restrained wrists to pull you back into his savage pace. 
"Couldn't even take a day off and rest this cock warmer of yours." 
"Mmmmf," you moan into the cushions, struggling not to pass out until he tugs your head back, letting you breathe for a moment. 

The sound of your bodies slapping together hard and fast rings in your ears. With every thrust he grinds himself deep inside of you, the head of cock touching your cervix like he was trying to break through it. 
The pain makes you clamp down on him, your walls fluttering around his cock as you keen softly. 
"So fucking desperate. Does my whore want to cum? Does she want to show me how good I make her feel?" 
You nod mutely, incapable of speaking around the sounds coming out of you. 
"Not yet. I want to see your face... want to see those beautiful eyes go wide when it takes you." 
He pulls out roughly, turning you to your back, trapping your arms beneath you. His hands grip your hips, pulling you onto him as he thrusts again, his body covering yours, his gorgeous wings surrounding the two of you. 
He fucks you slow and deep, grinding against you as he bottoms out, his groin causing the most incredible friction against your clit. You moan and he kisses you to silence how loud you are.

You slide against him, a fine sheen of perspiration making your bodies slippery. His lips trail from yours, along your jaw and throat in soft kisses. "Is my precious whore close? I can feel this greedy cunt already squeezing." 
"Please," you moan, working your hips frantically against his, chasing an orgasm that promises to break you apart. "Please, Kei make me cum… make me cum." 
You beg breathlessly, uncaring that your shoulders hurt and your hands have gone numb. 
He bucks into you uncontrollably, his pace brutal enough to drag a scream from you, both of you uncaring, lost to the sensation. 
"Then cum. Fucking cum so my staff doesn't have to hear you anymore." 
You detonate with a scream you're sure echoes through the building or at least several of the floors. "Fuck, Keigo… fuck, fuck, FUCK! I'M CUMMING!" 
You bite his shoulder hard and hear him inhale hard through this nose, his rhythm faltering completely. 

You scream again as with the first hot burst of cum his knot starts forming and with a deep growl, he tries to seat himself.
"Fucking hell, you're too tight," he grunts, almost having to fight his way into you as your pussy continues to contract around him. Groaning in relief, he presses his forehead to yours before shifting carefully and rolling you on top of him, his knot making movement difficult. 
He loosens the belt, freeing your wrists and runs circulation back into your hands. 
"You okay songbird?" he asks, kissing your forehead. 
"Mhm," you hum contentedly, nuzzling his neck. 
You feel his lips curve into a smile. 
"Bring me lunch again tomorrow?" 

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