Day 3 continued

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You lay spread on the sticky table, made stickier by his cum and your juices dripping from your thighs. Your muscles ache deliciously from being so well used and a shower sounds like the best idea since free porn.
"Hmmmm," you hum, pretending to mull over his suggestion. "I'm not sure I should move from here. I'll make a mess all over the house." 
"I might be able to help with that, songbird." He shifts, bending between your thighs and laps at remnants of your sex before looking up at you with a smirk. "You bake the best cream creampies." 
You can't stop the small laugh that bursts from you because he's ridiculous and adorable and so fucking filthy as his mouth covers your pussy, his tongue flicking over your folds to lap up every drop he left behind.

You moan, arching your back, pressing your hips more firmly into his soft kiss. Fuck, his mouth is eager, he nips and licks and kisses like he's been starved for days when you'd just gone at it like rabbits. 
With your knees slung over his shoulders, you rock yourself against him, urging a faster rhythm that he refuses to fall into. 
"Don't rush my breakfast," he says with a small slap to your thigh and settles back in, pushing a finger into that makes you hiss and wince. "Sore?" 
You shake your head, "Sensitive... way too fucking sensitive." 
He meets your eyes with a wicked grin. "That's why you've got an ass, babybird."

Steam rises from the shower and he holds out his hand to you, pulling you carefully into the stall beside him. "Let's get you clean," he says, pouring body wash onto your loofah. 
The determined look on his face makes you smile as he washes you, starting at unlit fingertips before gently working his way up your arms and across your shoulders. When he washes your back, he pulls you to him, your soapy body sliding against his, your nipples rubbing against his wet chest until your breasts feel heavy and achy. 
Your breath comes in little pants by the time he presses his slick hand between your legs, carefully cleaning you off. Moaning, you spread your thighs a little wider, holding onto his biceps as your legs shake. 

"Grab the wall for me, babybird."

That's your first and last warning as he moves to his knees behind you, his hands on your hips manipulating your body until your back is arched, your ass tilted to him. The position makes you feel vulnerable, ready to tap out and call it quits but his fingers are soft and worshipful on the back of your thighs, his lips teasing the sensitive skin behind your knee before trailing up. He kisses your ass and you tense up a little, your hands going from splayed against the tile to fisted tightly. 
"Relax, babybird... it's just me and I love your body." He nips one cheek playfully. "Every." Kiss. "Last." Kiss. "Inch." Kiss. 

You try to unknot the stiffness in your spine as he strokes your thigh soothingly. "If you want to stop, all you have to do is say so. Okay?" 
You nod, exhaling a shaky breath. "Okay." 
"Give me your hand." 
You reach back for him and his fingers twine with yours, making you smile just a little as gives your hand a reassuring squeeze.

The first flicker of his tongue makes you gasp, your fingers tightening on his until you're almost sure you're going to break them. 
He teases you with slow licks, his quiet moan helping you relax before the tip of his tongue presses against your tight hole, probing slightly. "A little more, songbird," his coaxing words are muffled, his hand on your ass shifting slightly, his thumb pressing against the tight ring of muscle until it yields. 

You groan, wiggling your hips as he thrusts the thick digit slowly in and out of you before replacing it with his tongue. "Fuck, Kei..." The pleasure is strange, the acceptance even more intense as he gets into it, small growls rumbling from his throat when you moan. 
It feels... good? Strange? Weird as fucking hell as his tongue dips into your ass.

He guides your hand between your thighs, pressing your fingers to your clit. "Touch yourself babybird, touch that perfect pussy for me." 
Both of his hands grip your ass, kneading your flesh before he spreads your cheeks apart and buries his face between them..
Your voice catches on what could have been a gasp or scream, the sudden inability to breathe making it almost impossible to make a sound. 
Keigo seems unfazed, a murmured "fucking touch yourself" being his only response as he tongue fucks you. 
You dip two fingers into your pussy, surprised to find yourself growing wet, and drag the wetness to your throbbing clit. Edging yourself with light strokes, trying to keep the slow pace he sets.

He peppers little kisses and gentle bites across your ass cheeks and thighs as you finger yourself, whispering softly as he presses two fingers into you. 
When he scissors them apart, your knees quake, nearly sending you to the shower floor. 
His lips never leave your skin as the hot water cascades across both of you, his touch soft and worshipful. "Inside, songbird," he commands in a whisper, "slide your fingers into that pretty pussy so you can feel me back here, baby... good girl, now push back.. fuck yea, like that... feel me here..." 
The feeling of fullness makes you clench, your walls fluttering around your fingers until you're sure he can feel the muscles contract too. 
"Feel good, songbird?" He asks and you nod, pressing your flushed cheek to the cool tiles, incapable of speaking around each panting breath that makes your head spin.

He presses his fingers against yours through the thin wall, the sensation forcing a garbled cry from your lips. "Hmmmm... that's it... make yourself cum for me... nice and hard, kid. I want to hear you scream the roof down on us. Work that fucking pussy, baby." 

"I don't think I ca- ah!" You gasp as he spanks your wet thigh. 
"You'll fucking cum because I told you to songbird. Now fuck yourself." 
You work in tandem with him, your fingers matching the quick pace he sets, the peculiar sense of fullness making you gush down your thighs. 
You keen and he bites your ass hard. "Cum for me, songbird." 
A shudder wracks your spine, a current humming through you until it becomes deafening and a scream tears itself from your throat. You fragment, your fingers slipping from the tiles, your legs giving in just as he catches you and holds you upright. 
"I've got you... I've got you, baby," he kisses your shoulder, your neck the shell of your ear, holding you to him as you shiver, trying to catch your breath. 
"Fuck," you whisper after what feels like an eternity of coming back to yourself.
He laughs as he helps you stand and reaches for a towel. "Maybe after a nap."

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