Day 4

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"Shhhh, babybird… sleep." 
If he'd shut up, you might be able to and actually enjoy your dream. His body is warm at your back, his chest pressing against your spine as he spreads your legs slightly. 
You smile into your pillow. 
He's insatiable even in your subconscious as his fingers press between your thighs to find your clit. 
His slight touch makes you jolt and your ass brushes up against his cock already hard and ready again. Fuck he really is in rut. 
"Ohhhh..  fuck…" you moan sleepily, hands clutching your pillow. "Fuuuuuck, Kei." 

His lips caress your nape with gentle kisses, trailing down your spine until his breath fans across your inner thigh. 
Your walls flutter in anticipation as he spreads you wider, his shoulders urging your thighs apart. His face presses into you from behind, his tongue snaking out to lick through your folds. 
"Like a whole fucking meal, songbird," he says, gently fingering your clit, slowly making your body come alive with little licks and sucks until you're soaking. "That's it baby… drip into my mouth." His whispered encouragement makes your back arch, your hips rocking back for more. "Good girl, that's my good girl… making such a mess on Daddy's face." 

A finger pushes into you shallowly in a steady thrust as he continues to lap at your pussy, his tongue gathering every drop of desire. 
You writhe, hips pumping unconsciously, trying to find a harder touch. Frustrated, you whine in your sleep. Was he being a controlling tease in your damn dreamscape too? 
Typical man. 
"Kei, please," you whisper, twisting the pillowcase between your fingers. You feel feverish, your skin burning up with need as a second finger joins the first. 
"I've got you, baby. Daddy's going to make you feel so good." 

His fingers abandon your pussy and he replaces them with his tongue, thrusting it deep with a muffled growl. "Fuck, kid!" He swears softly. "This tight cunt is leaking again." 

His wet fingers prod your asshole gently before he presses in, keeping his insistence soft, allowing you time to to stretch around them before he thrusts them in time to the measured strokes of his tongue.
You whimper, your body breaking out in a fine sheen of perspiration as your muscles start to tremble. You're hot and achy. Then he pulls away, pressing his body top to toe with yours, his cock sliding between your thighs. 
He's so fucking hard and you want him. Now. Pressing that thick length into you. Instead, he teases his cock through your slit, the head dragging across your clit as he lubes himself. 

You sigh, grinding yourself back against him, trying to nudge his cock into you. 

His lips trace your neck, the sensual graze of his teeth along your artery sends a shiver through you. Your pussy nearly liquifies with lust, a moan dragging itself from you. 
"I'll go easy, songbird," he whispers, his hand wrapping around his cock and guiding it between your ass cheeks. 
Your eyes shoot wide open. 
The fuck? 
"Keigo?" you ask sleepily, reaching back for him and finding him exactly where you'd dreamed. 
"Right here, baby," he says, sucking your throat, leaving little hickies that throb deliciously. "Relax this ass for me… good girl…" 
His mouth against your skin helps ease you, sleep infused limbs melting into him. You wince slightly at the sting and bite your lip to stifle a whimper. 

He's not fucking small. 

"Easy, kid, just breathe…" he groans as fits the head of his cock into you. "Fuck, you're tight, fuuuuuck. Give me a second… I don't want to tear you up." 
His breathing is ragged with restraint, his hand shaking where he clutches your thigh. 
Impatiently you shift, tilting your ass to slide down another inch, savoring the way your spine burns and tingles at the penetration.
"Kid, you've got to slow down," he pants, trying to hold you still as you rock back again, taking more of him. "I'm not gonna last if you keep doing that." 
His teeth grip your shoulder, his bite stinging, adding another sweetly painful sensation to your already thrumming senses. You're so tightly wired, you're scared of cumming before he gets to the good shit. 
"Move, Kei…" you beg, biting your lip, trying to stop yourself from doing it for him. "Just fuck me already." 

He chuckles quietly. "You asked for it." 
Turning your face into the pillow, you bite, praying it absorbs the shriek of discomfort. He fills you in one, slow thrust, his balls slapping against your pussy as he bottoms out and grinds himself into you. 
Patience. You'd learn fucking patience later. 
"You feeling it, babybird? Or is it songbird with those sweet little sounds you're making?" 

Smug motherfucker. His withdraw makes you groan low in your throat, the next thrust warping the sound with a choked cry. You felt full, differently from when he was fucking your pussy. 
"Let me hear you again, songbird," he teases, licking the side of your throat before sucking your earlobe between his lips. 
You buck against him involuntarily, another cry rending the air. 
"So fucking sweet," he says, lips trailing along your jaw before he takes your mouth in a deep, sloppy kiss that leaves you gasping. "Touch yourself," he murmurs against your lips, "fill that hungry cunt too… I want you stuffed full."

You're pressed snug to him, his arms around you as he thrusts, the glide of his body against yours almost too intimate. "Fingers, babybird," he reminds you softly, kissing you again, tongue seeking and finding yours. 
Moaning into his mouth, you thrust two fingers inside yourself and nearly convulse, your pussy made tighter by the cock in your ass. 

You whimper his name and he kisses you deeper, harder, swallowing the pitiful sound. 
"That's my beautiful girl, so obedient for Daddy. Feel that? Feel how perfect you feel, songbird." 
You slant your lips across his to silence him. If he kept talking you were going to cry before you orgasmed. Taking the hint, he raises your thigh higher, quickening his pace as you hasten your own. 

A shiver wracks you as his cock twitches inside of you, right against your fingers as you work yourself towards a climax. 
"I can't hold back, kid," he forces out between clenched teeth, the strain in his voice echoed in short, sharp thrusts and the way his grip turns bruising on your thigh. "You've got to cum for me." 
He buries his face against your spine, his thrusts rough, the rhythm faltering. "Please babybird, cum for me." 

"I'm trying," you whine, so close but unable to send yourself tipping over the edge. "I just..  I need… Kei, I-" 
You scream as he spanks your clit, the sharp burst of pain shattering you as you bury your fingers knuckle deep, grinding into them as your walls flutter and contract. 
His dark growl reverberates against your spine. You're so full of him and yourself you're almost certain you can feel every warm spirit of cum as he empties himself inside of you. 

He shudders once, twice, his arms squeezing around you until you wheeze. 
"Kei, you're squishing me," you say softly, taking one of his hands in yours and twining your fingers together. 
"Sorry, babybird… you really took it out of me." He pulls out of you, making you wince slightly. "Don't move and I'll get you cleaned up." 
By the time he's back with a warm cloth in one hand, your already drifting  again. 
"Kei," you mumble, as he runs the cloth between your sticky thighs, only for him to hush you. 
"Shhhh, babybird… sleep."

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