Day 3

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"I warned you, didn't I?" 
His palm collides with your ass again and you moan heatedly, your skin warm, your pussy throbbing with each heavy spank that makes your body jolt. 
The table presses into your hips where he's bent you face first over it, your breakfast discarded the moment he gripped your hair from behind and pulled you from your seat. 
He'd laid into you immediately, first over your clothes and when that hadn't had the desired effect, he'd tugged your sleep shorts down to reach your skin. 
You were dripping, your thighs wet and sticky as he spanked then fingered your pussy roughly, jamming three fingers knuckle deep into you without warning. Not that you hadn't been ready as he held you down by the neck with your ass in the air, squirming desperately. You'd been more than ready, fucking aching at the first thrust then driven to the point of release before he'd stopped and spanked you again. 

"Bratty little bitch," he growls, the primal sound followed by another stinging slap that makes you yelp. "Are you going to apologize yet?" 
"Fuck you, you loved it," you grind out, pushing your hips back even as you sass him. "You fucking loved every second of me pegging that tight boy pussy of y-" a shriek cuts you off as his hand collides with bruising strength. "Kei, more…" you moan wantonly and he obliges until your ass is ablaze. 
"Say it, songbird, tell me you're a bratty slut who doesn't know who's really in charge." 
"Keigo…" you whine as his fingers press into your pussy again. 
"No! Say it. Say 'Sir, I'm a bratty slut'," he instructs, twisting his fingers inside of you and sending a jolt of pleasure racing through you. "Fucking say it, songbird." 

"I'm a bratty slut, Sir." 
"And? Who's in charge here, kid?" He asks, his fingers working between your spread thighs as you bite your lip in defiance. "I must not have heard you over the sound of your sloppy cunt… who is in fucking charge? Whose hand are you making a mess on, brat?" 
The pressure against your g-spot makes you scream. "You! Kei, please… fuck… I'm going to cum, I'm going to cum…" you whine, impaling yourself on his fingers with shameless desperation, the orgasm so close it hurts as it coils hot and tight in the pit of your stomach. 
"Hmmm, is my filthy songbird going to cum? Is she desperate enough for it?" 
You respond with a high-pitched whine as the pressure inside of you builds to a crescendo. 
"Then fucking cum because you're dripping all over all over the place, cum for me songbird." 
You detonate with a warm, wet gush that makes your knees give in and feel his mouth against you, his lips parted as he drinks you down; the lewd slurp of his tongue and the famished sounds in his throat almost drowning out your cries. 

Slumping across the table, you gasp for breath as your body trembles. His lips tease the soft skin of your thighs, trying to ease you as he whispers incoherently against your skin. 
The softness lasts only for a moment until he's on his feet, turning you to face him with rough hands while he pushes you to your back. He spreads your thighs wide, throwing you off balance and you land in your cereal bowl as you try to steady yourself. 
"You're a filthy fucking mess, songbird… my filthy mess," he says as milk sloshes across the tabletop then drips to the floor, "and now you look it as well."  
His lips crash against yours, swallowing a shriek as he thrusts into you, burying himself balls deep in one, hard stroke. 
Holding yourself up with one arm, you wrap the other around his neck for leverage as you roll your hips against his, whimpering as his cock presses against your cervix. 

"Fuck, Kei..  move…" Your fingers spasm against the back of his neck, nails digging desperate little crescent moons into his skin. 
He refuses to thrust, just stands between your thighs watching your frustration grow with a satisfied smirk twisting his lips. "What's that? Does my messy girl want something from me?" He teases, his thumb pressing against the side of your clit just light enough to taunt. 
"Move, for fucksake," you groan, arching your back and tilting your hips to him. 
"I don't think I understand you, songbird." 
This man. Next time you'd fuck him without lube. 
"Kiegoooooo…" You whine in irritation and deliberately tighten your pussy around him, squeezing then releasing his cock. 
"You know what I expect of you," he says with a hiss, his hips jerking against yours, driving his cock impossibly deeper. 
"Please, please just move… fuck me, Kei."

It's not quite the same kind of begging you made him do the night before but he relents, withdrawing and thrusting into you hard. Using his body, you work yourself against him, the frantic grind of your hips working your clit against his groin every time he bottoms out. 
When you press your mouth to his, you devour each other, tongues and teeth, unfinessed until you're kiss-bruised and swollen. He breaks away with a ragged groan, his hips rocking hard and fast, making your body slip in the sweet, stickiness of your wasted breakfast. 
His hand covers your mouth when a loud moan escapes you. "I don't want to hear a fucking sound out of this second pussy unless it's the sound of you begging to get off, songbird. That's all your mouth is good for, isn't it? To beg for my cock or to suck it, right? Isn't that right babybird?" 
Breathing raggedy against his palm, you nod your head. You'd agree to anything if it meant he kept swiveling his hips at that angle so the head of his cock teased your g-spot with every thrust. 
Your eyes roll back and a guttural sound reverberates in your throat as he hits your cervix. 
"Shut up, kid. Shut up and focus on my cock, focus on this fat cock stretching you out the way you like it." 

Stifling a whimper as the sharp pleasure-pain makes you jolt and nearly topple over; you grab onto his wings and hear him cry out. Finding stability is moot as he pushes you flat, half climbing onto the table and spreads you achingly wide. 
With his hand no longer covering your mouth, your moans echo around the room with the sound of his skin slapping against yours. 
"Fuck," he growls brokenly, "I'm not going to last." 
The raw needs in his voice makes you clench around him, your walls fluttering, ready to milk every drop out of him. 
 "Touch yourself, songbird, get this sloppy pussy off for me." 
Obediently, you lick your fingers and slide them to where the two of you are joined, seeking and finding your clit with brisk strokes. "Kei," you murmur breathlessly beneath him, your hips trying and failing to keep up with the pace of his thrusts. 
"Beg for it," he commands, one hand wrapping around your throat tightly to pull you onto him. 
A wheeze escapes you as his fingers tighten. "Let me cum, Keigo… Daddy please… FUCK! Please, Kei let me…" 
Your head spins, his hand and the orgasm burning through the last of your oxygen until black spots swim in your vision. 

He pulls out of your tight clench, wrapping a hand around his cock and jerking himself off to you. "Spread yourself open, songbird. Spread that pretty pussy for me so I can mark it. Oh, fuck… kid, fuck, like that, hold yourself open like that." 
Through heavy-lidded eyes, you watch him fuck his fist, the wet clicking sound coming faster until he presses the head of his cock against your clit. 
He groans roughly, his back bowing as ribbon after ribbon of warm cum splashes across your pussy then your thighs like a scalding brand. 
"Fucking hell, songbird," he half collapses against you, nuzzling between your breasts. 
"Mhm," you hum contentedly, running your fingers through his sweat damp hair. 
"If I promise to start the shower, will you let me fuck you in it?" 

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