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quick note !! it's Sunday morning [rAiN iS fAlLin'- (to anyone who gets that, i f ckin love you-)] and i'm bored and not using my own phone to write this (because my parents said no<3)

seriously though, am making this as i go so i realy hope you enjoy my crackhead-ness while trying to write a relatively good story :'D 


To say that George was scared is an understatement. He was terrified.

He had turned 15 a few minutes ago and the words just started miraculously showing up on his wrist- but that's not the part that scared him.

i won't let him hurt you

He'd told most of his friends about it and most had only brushed it off, some even saying it was 'romantic.' And though he knew they meant well, it only worried him some more.

Something was going to happen to him, presumably something really bad- to the point of getting hurt.




To say he was careful from then on would be an understatement. He was cautious and scared of anything and everything.


Clay's first thought was, "woah, cool," but the adoration to himself being a savior quickly turned to worry for his other half.

you saved me. thank you

He thought of it less and less as time went on, but the thought was never gone- it was much like a small voice in the back of his head, telling- no, begging him, asking him about it.

what happens to them?

why did it lead up to that?

what possibly could happen to them that made the weirdo coder geek so great?

Maybe he was just overthinking it, but Clay can't help but feel, well, helpless.




It started bleak and boring, the day before I celebrate my birth. Usually my parents and I agreed we won't be doing anything extravagant anyway, but Karl insisted on making this one special,

"It is your knowing-what-your-soulmate's-emotional-first-words-to-you-are year, so let's make it memorable!! Please?" The shorter brunette huffed, wanting to make the most out of today. 

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Okay fine, you big goof. What're we doing?" I eventually found myself asking. The younger immediately lit up, "I dunno, didn't think you'd agree! Let's start planning then?!?!" Karl was visibly vibrating on his chair.

am I going to regret this? I thought as I chuckled, "Sure, Karl"

it's been 3 years since then, and to this day the words on my wrist feel heavy. today was my birthday, which was what caused my reliving of the memory.

"woah...Karl-" my eyes widened as the words slowly appeared, letter by letter, "K-Karl..kARL COME LOOK" I said a little louder, standing up from my comfortable position on the couch- we were supposed to watch a movie i'd pick whilst Karl was in the kitchen getting popcorn. Karl and I met up at the island counter and I showed him my left wrist.

i won't let him..

"woahwOAHWOAHWOAH THAT'S SO COOL-" Karl shouted with awe as the letters slowly carved themselves in my skin.

 I felt small shocks before, during, and after the process; something I wish someone would've told me about before. We both read it aloud after every letter completely sets in and after a few minutes, it was complete-

"i won't let him hurt you.." Karl finished, looking at George with mixed emotions- shock, excitement, concern- it was all coming in rapidly. The shorter of the two seemed to feel the anxiety slowly washing over the other and immediately wrapped an arm around me.

"hey, hey... you okay?" He said in a soft voice as I shook from the emotions overrunning me, "I.." my voice lost it's way as I leaned into Karl's hug, afraid but okay at the same time? heck, I didn't know, it was a lot to take in.

"You'd think it'd be something lighthearted" I joked in a weak voice as Karl got up to get water, "Hey, this is clearly a lot-" The latter's voice came from behind the cupboard door as he grabbed a glass, "Do you want to just lay down and, I dunno, cuddle for the rest of the day?" Karl finished, slight concern lacing his voice as he gave me the glass. I took it with a whispered thanks and drank a bit, hoping my voice would find it's way back.

"of course, you don't have to. I'm just giving an idea of what we could do because we planned out this whole day and we were gonna go to the park and all that and i-"

"it's okay, Karl, really" I laughed lightly at my friend's rambling as my aforementioned acquaintance turned a shade of pink, "and, I'd love to" I finished, almost inaudibly. 

Luckily, Karl heard and heaved a soft sigh of relief, "Okay" He smiled, "Well then! Bed or couch?" Karl seemed to regret it as soon as the words left his mouth, "Oh hOnK that sounded wrong wAIT-" I laughed loudly, and the day went as normal as cuddling your friend (and also maybe a few kisses, but that's a story for another day) and sleeping the worry away can go.

I sighed as I laid in bed, taking up all the space and all. My phone dinged beside me, signifying that someone texted. I rolled over onto my chest and checked my lock screen.


Jarl Kacobs : gogy do u wanna hang before class?

sent 11:11 am


I smiled and replied a quick sure, when? before going on to twitter and scrolling for 2 hours minimum. I was able to like and comment on a few threads before Karl replied with um, now :>

wait what-

The doorbell rung throughout the dorm, which I shared with Bad, "Oh hey Karl! Georgie, Karl's here!" The said boy's honey-like voice snapped me from my thoughts, "Oh, Tell him to hold his horses" I groaned, getting out of bed and hastily getting ready. 

I loved Karl, I really do, but he tends to plan things out in the last minute and it gets you shaken up and awake whether you like it or not. "Coming in~ love you George" The still shorter brunette cackled as he stormed in, "aYE KARL WHAT THE FUCK??" I said loudly, throwing my pillow straight in his face. 

luckily for me and unluckily for karl, i hit my target, "Hey" I heard him whine playfully. I stuck my tongue out at him an went into the bathroom with my stuff. I heard a, "hEY GEORGE! LANGUAGE" before stepping into the shower, which made me laugh softly.

I did my morning routine and got out feeling insanely better- it was really hot that day. I decided to put on the outfit I'd come to like a lot these days; A beige, slightly oversized shirt and black jeans, jacket, and shoes. 

kinda stuffy, but good enough I thought to myself as I looked for Karl. He was laying down on my bed, doing the same thing i was doing before he arrived- scrolling through twitter.

"You are so lucky I love you and that we have identical timetables" I grumbled playfully, watching Karl giggle and get up.

"So, where to?"

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