hang out

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quick note !! I'm at a friend's house rn djjfkdjf can't stop that Ao3 grind 😩💅 really late but I'm surprised I can update everyday (famous last words but let me have my moments of happiness-)

man- to think that I only did this because I felt like shit for not doing anything else other than scrolling through youtube and twitch (even though I go by PST :') )


"Well, since we're all here, let's hang, shall we?" Clay suggested, his hands fumbling on anything and everything it can get ahold of. "Hey, that's a great idea! Let's go!" Bad replied, you could practically hear his excitement.

The group talked along the way, no one really sure of where they were going, "So you call yourselves the Dream Team?" George asked in slight disbelief.

"Yeah, why?" Sapnap replied, who was holding hands with Karl already; the latter seemed calmer since then. 

"Dunno, sounds impressively egotistical" The colorblind Brit snorted, which made everyone laugh. What George didn't expect, though, was Dream wheezing like there was no tommorow. The said boy couldn't help but laugh along.

"Wh- whAt?" Dream- George decided to just call him by his nickname- managed to say while basically dying. "I-I dunno, it just does. Especially when you're the one the group is named after" George explained boldly, giggling as the blonde e-boy laughed some more.

"Aye Dream he's got a point" Sapnap breathed heavily from laughing hard, trying to look serious, "Why couldn't it be Sapnap t- okay I gotta admit that sounds worse" Karl teleported into another dimension as the rest tried to catch their breaths, everyone around them looked either weirded out or laughing at how contagious theirs were.

Once they calmed down they decided to crash at a random pizza place in the mall.

"Damn it's already 12:10. Karl we gotta leave soon if we want to not fail chem" George sighed, really not wanting to leave just yet, "You don't want to go either" Karl said, reading his mind.

 "Well yeah, but I don't want to fail either" The other retorted, slumping into his seat.

"Chemistry? I can help if you wanna" Sapnap offered, to which Karl was about to say yes, but Dream cut him off, "You? With chem? No way" He laughed, coughing halfway,

 "You probably only want to make out with Karl" The blonde said, making the two boys blush. "Language! Anyway, Ant is better at general acads than both of you combined can ever be" Bad butted in, playfully glaring at Clay and Nick.

"What? I only said make out with K-"

"Rude! Bad I thought you were supposed to be the nice one-"

Both complained at the same time, everyone either breaking a smile or chuckling at the three. "Seriously though, I can help you guys if you want" Ant offered nicely, and George and Karl unanimously said, "Yes please" which sounded desperate, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

"Oh Ant you're a fucking angel thank God" Karl sighed ("Language!!"), "So does that mean we can skip?" He asked eagerly, looking at George with his best puppy eyes. He knew the Brit wouldn't be able to say no.

"We're 30 minutes late anyway" George huffed, secretly glad he didn't have to put up with an hour of torture.


Should I make two separate books focusing more on karlnapity and skephalo after this? (Very ambitious seeing that I was never able to finish a single story I write but y'know, ideas) also thanks for the 20 kudos what the fuck why are y'all actually liking this i-


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