his number?!

2 0 0


quick note !! hi how's your day? :DD


"Are you guys going to order anything or do I have to kick you out" A guy about their age sighed. He's a worker in the pizza place and has been standing there for a while now, but no one seemed to notice him.

"Oh we're sorry, yes we'll order" Bad smiled sheepishly, getting the menu once again and taking everyone's order.

The worker's eyes seemed to glance around, staring at George a little longer than anyone else in the booth. 

The said brunette was currently looking through his timetable, guessing at what classes he and Karl would be attending (though he's sure they're taking the day off today at this point). When the said boy looked up, he met eyes with the worker.

The olive skinned man smiled briefly before looking away, pink dusting his cheeks. George analyzed the new guy-

He had olive skin, as mentioned before. Startling gray eyes was what his were met with in the brief moment they shared, along with a gentle smile and a sharp jawline.

 He had quite messy dark brown hair with faded pink tips that he pushed back every once in a while. He was stunningly pretty, George decided.

"And that's it" Bad said with a smile, and the pretty man repeated their order. When he was deemed correct the darker haired guy walked away, a familiar heterochromia eyed Brit watching his figure until he disappeared into the kitchen.

They chatted some more and enjoyed themselves, going past waaay more than just an hour. Not that George or Karl really minded though. Eventually their orders came flooding in, handed to them by the same worker who took their order. 

George was seated at the end of the row, next to a small 4ft wall, a thing some restaurants used for reasons unbeknownst to him.

Once all the stuff they ordered came, they wasted no time absolutely fuckin demolishing the food, looking like construction workers during lunchtime. George ate slower, but still ate a lot. Bad took his time, Ant was polite and ate quietly and slowly. 

Then there was the other three. Dream and Sap suddenly got into a competition of who can eat their share the quickest while also shouting insults at each other. Karl was cheering them on, laughing at how stupid they must've looked.

After a while of this happening, George looked around and spotted the pink tipped hair and tried to get his attention. He successfully did and the pretty worker came in quickly. "Yes? Is there anything you need?" He asked kindly, though there's no mistaking the tiredness behind his eyes,

 "Ah yeah just wanted to ask for more tissues, we'll have quite the mess to clean up" George replied shyly, he hated being the one who socialized, but at this point it can't be avoided.

"Oh you don't have to, we'll clean it up for you" The worker tried to dismiss him, telling him it's alright, "No no, they're making it so much harder than it needs to be" The brunette chuckled,

 "We'll try to clean up as much as we can before leaving. Or, at least, the three of us who still have our brains and aren't choking on food trying to come up with insults better than 'joe mama' jokes" George huffed, but looked over at his newfound friends fondly.

The gray eyed man raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Well, if you insist" He sighed, acting defeated.

 George giggled at his antics, "I'll get them for you then" the worker finished, and was about to leave when George said, "Thank you..." He looked over to his name tag, "Blake"

"No problemo" Blake replied, giving the Brit a two fingered salute before leaving, hoping the other didn't see the blush starting to spread all over his face.

George smiled back quickly before the worker looked away, and slumped in his seat when he did, "Man socializing sucks" he muttered, which Ant heard and laughed to, "That's true, I'd much rather spend the day on homework and coding rather than that" The platinum blonde responded, and George couldn't agree more. 

"So what's your major? Tell you mine if you tell yours" the two struck up a conversation, leaving Bad to attempting to put a stop to the rowdy play fighting.

"Oh I'm taking up coding too, also spanish classes because my mother wanted me to" George replied, sighing slightly at the mentioning of his mum, he missed her, "Spanish? Cool" Anthony smiled, "Well I'm with Bad, English major. Dream and Sapnap talk a lot about coding so I know a thing or two" He extended his hand, George understanding and shaking it, 

"Let's have a redo, shall we?" The lighter haired boy chuckled, "Okay. Hi I'm George" the Brit giggled, playing along. "Nice to meet you, I'm Anthony, Ant for short. Terribly sorry for my friends" The two boys joked around until Blake came into George's field of vision.

"Here you go, my good sire" The worker bowed slightly, commiting to the joke. George laughed, "Why thank you, my dear acquaintance" He said, bowing his head in return. 

They both laughed, "Well I have to go, boss'll be mad if she caught me slacking off" Blake sighed, making air quotes on 'slacking off'

George nodded, "Best go back then" he said, accent thickening. Blake nodded, "Until we meet again..." The latter trailed off, "George" the brunette finished, "George" The worker repeated, smiling.

George looked at the small pile of tissues and saw black scribbles on the top one. Huh? He took the first one and what he saw made him smile,


call me? :)

Karl finally looked over to George and saw the tissue he was holding, "wOAH YOU GOT A NUMBER? FROM WHO?" he whisper-screamed at his friend, to which the latter immediately hid the tissue into his jacket pocket,

 "Blake, the guy who took our order" George whispered back, an unmistakably happy grin gracing his features.

"What the honk you're on fire today" Karl joked, giggling, "Perhaps" George chuckled.

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