hang out pt.2

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haha responsibilities go brr- my bible study group had a deadline for those sketches (because apparently i was the head artist for a fucked up reason but that's all said and done so back to posting irregularly :'D )


To say they had fun is an understatement. George's cheeks hurt from smiling so much, Karl's sweater paws were a little damp from him laugh-crying, Bad, being the mom of the group, tried to calm everyone down with the help of Ant, Sap was still cracking jokes, and they were pretty sure Dream passed away at some point while laughing.

It was the best way to celebrate the end of exams, and George was glad he chose to go with Dream's offer.


"You wanna bet on whose better in racing?" Dream asked his heterochromia eyed friend, arching his eyebrow. George seemed to take that as a playful insult and huffed, 

"Yeah. What, too scared I'm going to beat your ass at it?" He taunted, challenging the very competitive blonde, unbeknownst to the latter. They left the group without another word and ran down to the said game.

"Psh, prepare to lose, Gogy" Dream smiled menacingly, which, to be honest, made George feel weird. But of course, he'd never admit that out loud, "You're on, Dream"

"OH YEAH, FIRST FUCKING PLACE BABYYY" George whooped, rubbing it in Dream's face very obnoxiously, "WHAT?? No way, again." The green eyed boy, who refused to accept defeat, immediately put in another two coins into the slot for his and George's.

 "OH COME ON, HAVEN'T HAD ENOUGH OF BEING A LOSER YET DREAM?" The brunet kept celebrating, but agreed to another round, "Shut up" Was all his friend said, which made George laugh, "Yeah whatever, pissbaby" He jeers at Dream, who wheezed in reply, 

"Really? Pissbaby? We're bringing in pet names now?" To which the brunet scoffed playfully, "Whatever helps you sleep at night,"

"Okay, well, you're going down, princess" Dream smirked, "Uh huh, say that only after you've actually beaten me at least once, lover boy" George cackled as the game starts once again, though he was a little distracted. 'princess?' He couldn't deny the butterflies fluttering, so he focused instead on trying not to blush.

"GAME OVER" The game declared as the car Dream used that round was shown with 1st place under it, "YEEESSS" The said boy wheezed as he looked over to his opponent. 

George was bewildered, "What??" Was all he could sputter out, making his friend laugh harder, "I WIN GOGY" Dream teased the other the way he did to him, "That was only once, I still won the other two rounds" George rolled his eyes, but couldn't help it and laughed along with the former.

"Man- just kiss already" Karl shouted over the loud noises from their surroundings. Sapnap hollered and all George did was roll his eyes. 

"Anyway, want to do this thing next? We go in rounds" Ant chuckled, pointing over to the air hockey table, "Oh you're on!" Sapnap smirked, who, pretty soon, they realize matches up with Dream when it comes to competitiveness.


They were at the park after playing at the arcade for an unhealthy amount of time, trying to calm themselves down. The group walked along the path until Karl saw the playground and immediately went for the swings,

 "It's late anyway, no kids should be here" He protested, and eventually Sap and Bad joined him on the swings. Ant leaned on the poles supporting the swings because he's cool that way.

George and Dream sat at the benches near the playground in comfortable silence.

"Hey George" Dream finally spoke after a few more minutes of nothing, his voice a little raspy from his previous wheezing. "Yes, Dream?"

"I'm glad you guys were able to hang with us. It's been lonely recently- especially since Sapnap is the one I'm stuck with" The dirty blonde said, genuinely enjoying the other three's company.

"I'm glad you guys even want us around," George joked, to which Dream chuckled, "Want you three around? Sapnap can't go by a second without talking about Karl, it's sickening how sweet they're being" The latter sighed, though fondness laced his voice. 

The brunet managed a smile, "Karl won't shut up about him too, I swear. I mention you guys once and he goes on about how Sapnap is, and i quote, 'A whole fucking meal like dAmN' for hours on end" He replied, making the blonde laugh.

"And here we have our campus couple, can't go a minute without flirting with each other and yet somehow they aren't dating yet" Sapnap announces to the rest of the group as they make their way to the other two. 

Dream could only roll his eyes, "Says the guy who makes out with his mutual's best friend every chance he gets" He retorted ("Language! Oh my gods, you muffinheads" Bad sighed, though couldn't help but crack up too), making Karl blush and everyone else lose it.

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