exams are hell.

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quick note !! ayup lads sorry for the delay and extremely short chapter :'D by the way, if you guys have any suggestions/ideas or criticism you can comment and i'll be sure to read it and consider :] im stumped for the in between of main ones-


Exams eventually came and everyone was stressed, sleep-deprived, living off caffeine, and so done with life. Well, that was what they usually had to deal with, but more on average. 

Karl and George found themselves passing out in the latter's room the moment they enter, only to wake up and study at 1am until they had to go back to hell- the process repeats until the third day. 

"You muffinheads! Have you even eaten anything healthy?? Hold on, I'm cooking you lunch, and don't you dare refuse" Bad talked his mouth off the moment he walked in to check on his roommate. The raven haired boy spent the past two days at Ant's, doing much better than the duo who're barely even awake when he came in the dorm.

"Bad we're okay, really. You don't have to-" George stopped talking as a small wave of nausea hit him as he was standing up. Okay, maybe they needed something more than instant ramen and 2 hours of sleep with the hours of cramming.

 "Bad's here?" Karl asked, voice muffled from the pillow his face is currently laying on, "Yeah" The former brunet answered as he steadied himself, going into the kitchen to properly greet his roommate.

"Hey Bad," Bad looked up to see messy haired George sitting on the island chair. "You muffins, what would happen if I didn't come to get some stuff today?? I have some painkillers in my bag that I bought just in case, it's on the couch" 

The raven haired boy sighed, chopping up some onions and tomatoes and putting them in a small pot. He continued to cook as the hazel and blue eyed boy cleaned up the area, getting the painkillers and two glasses of water for him and Karl.

Usually it wasn't this bad, seeing that they did survive their first year, but having to balance part time jobs, schoolwork, a few existential crises, and trying to get out of bed because what is the point of life anymore- is kinda hard to do for mentally unstable and drained individuals. Or maybe it's just them.

"Good afternoon, Bad. What're you making?" A wild Karl had appeared, standing in the doorway of George's room, rubbing his eyes. Bad grinned, "A recipe a friend of mine taught me" He sang, the aroma of the dish wafting to the living room, "She said it's called Sinigang- oh! And, do we still have rice, George?" The kindest fucking roommate in the world asked, 

"We do, it's in the cupboard over the stove" The brunet replied, watching Karl as he plopped onto the couch. "Thanks for the painkillers, Bad, you are an angel" The said boy sighed as the medicine worked wonders. 

"It's no problem, anything for you guys" The raven haired boy replied fondly, cleaning the rice and cooking it, finishing what's usually an hour's amount of work in merely half the time.

George was still sat at the island chair when his ringtone played on his phone next to him. He checked and saw two messages, almost identical he thought it was just spam.


💭dré 💭
Hey Sap and I were wondering if you three are free later?
sent 2:31pm
call me? :)
Hey I was wondering if you're free later today?
sent 2:30pm

George was both overwhelmed and happy. Oh well I'm wanted after all, he joked to himself internally and sighed. Who should he pick? 


no one asked but i read and thank everyone who comments/ leaves a kudos, even if i don't comment back- rest assured im grateful for all of you :'D please eat and remember to drink water- take care of yourself and get some sleep <3 love y'all

and, pick one :DD choose carefullyyyyyy


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