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quick note !! now we're in 3rd person :DD also holy fuck i woke up and opened the computer to see 16 kudos and i just- didn't expect that, thank you :'D


Both boys were aimlessly just wandering around- going to the park, getting caffeine in a nearby café because what is sleep? and soon they found themselves in front of a mall. "Well, why not?" George shrugged, and Karl happily took the other's hand and dragged him into the building.

They basically just window-shopped, neither having enough extra money to spend or just not interested enough to buy 3 ugly shirts with the last one for free at $250

"Remind me why we aren't just crashing at my place?" was all that George said after a while of walking, "Because that's all we ever do" Karl reminded him, laughing. 

The former chuckled along, he wasn't entirely wrong. "Woah, kinda cute guy at 2 o'clock" a couple of girls they passed whispered to each other, and piqued George's interest. He looked up and saw that the girls were right,

George held his breath as the guy turned, he was kinda- no, kinda cute is an understatement, at least to the heterochromia eyed boy.

 He had perfectly tan skin, and George was pretty sure his eyes were either hazel or green, he was colorblind and a good distance away so- he had a splash of freckles on his cheeks and he had e-boy-esque blonde hair (well, to george it looked especially piss-colored but they don't talk about it).

He was pretty average, but George had to admit he was attractive. "...Right, George?" Karl asked his friend, which snapped George back to reality, "Huh?" was all the other could respond, still looking at the e-boy. 

Karl followed his stare and saw who he was gawking at, "Oh hey, don't we go to Maths with that guy? Always was surrounded though" The smaller of the two noted as the group of girls that passed them came up to their apparently mathematics classmate.

"What, got a crush on him already? Oh, looks like he brought friends" George shoved Karl playfully. The two boys eventually ended up stalking their classmate as the e-boy met his friends and gave the girls a small piece of paper- his number, no doubt.

One had a head of messy black hair, another was platinum blonde, and the last was- "Bad???" Both brunettes exclaimed, which caught the attention of everyone within a 5 mile radius, including the said boy, "Oh hey guys, I didn't know you would be here too! I would've told you to come with" George's english major roommate said happily as he walked over to them, his friends following suit.

"Heya Bad" Karl recovered quickly, smiling as they high-fived. 

George, usually quiet when there would be more people around, nodded to Bad and smiled slightly. He was nervous.

"Oh, these are my other friends! This is Nick, or Sapnap, this is Ant, short for Anthony, and this is Clay, also known as Dream" Bad introduced them all, gesturing to each as he said their names, "Everyone, this is George and Karl" The said boy finished, looking at both groups happily.

"Nice to finally meet you" Clay/Dream finally said after a short moment of awkward silence. He smiled and all George could think was, that smile do be hitting different though i- "Bad talks about you two a lot" The tallest chuckled and the brunette visibly melted.

Karl noticed his friend's reactions and snorted, "Nice to meet you all too" He smiled as George recollected himself, "He must have a lot in his mind for him to not mention you guys to us, then" The latter said jokingly, to which Bad had a spur of, "Hey!", "I'm sorry, okay?", "We're both really busy these days anyway", and "Okay I get it, but you're no different"

"I'm only joking, Bad" George laughed, which earned him a playful punch to the shoulder.

"Well, since we're all here, let's hang, shall we?" 

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