filler days

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In the following few days, George found himself texting 24/7, alternating between a certain blonde, a friendly pizza place worker, and very occasionally his and his newfound friends' gc.

Whenever Bad sees the Brit, he's always smiling at his phone and eagerly texting back, "A little help would be nice, Gogy" The raven haired man teased after said few days of George being inseparable with the small device. 

It wasn't that the brunet don't help around anymore, he just was always occupied and left Bad to do most of the chores.

The latter flushed pink and proceeded to pay less attention to his phone moving forward, much to Bad's relief over George's health and the fact that they're back to halving the chores around the dorm. After that, they mostly got back into their usual rhythm.

Speaking of going back into old habits, the two immediately fell back into previous schedules as their first batch of exams were right around the corner.

George wouldn't admit it out loud, but he'd almost totally forgotten about it. He was behind on his study schedule and yes, he had one.

 Luckily, Bad was nice enough to help him with subjects they shared; which was the general academic subjects required- Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, English ((short a/n sorry I have no clue how british schools work, I'm filipino so-)). And yet somehow, George never forgot to check his phone once in a while.

Ant had been true to his word and helped the two brunettes with chemistry, and slowly it came from tutoring to their daily group study sessions. Through those, the three got to spend time and get closer with each other. 

There were also times when Sapnap would crash in mid-session, and quickly the trio would forget they were meant to be studying. Funny how with the addition of just on person, they all just drop whatever they were doing and next thing they know, it's 6pm in the arcade they spent 3 hours in. Friends are just awesomely annoying that way, George supposes.

Though chatting often and having those sessions, it left no time for the Dream Team (with the addition of George and Karl) to hang out as a complete group. They planned to do so right after, yeah, but still. Hanging out with everyone would be nicer.

And then, there was Blake. He was incredibly sweet, and the duo would crash at the pizza place every so often to study together, despite Blake going for the arts as his major.

"I'm going after theatre arts, but I'm still not sure. My parents are certain I shouldn't, though" The pink tipped brunet laughed, though his body language showed he was anything but amused. 

George softened at the new information, "Well, I say pursue your dreams" The said boy sat up straight, "Trust my word when I say that going for a stable job you have mixed feelings about will get you nowhere if you compare that to going for the career you want to do" He said so confidently, Blake found himself being slightly envious,

 "Gotta admit that I envy you for being so sure about it, but I still don't know what I want to do" The taller of the two replied, sighing heavily.

The heterochromia eyed boy slumped slightly, understanding his frustration, "My mother was the one who said that. She claimed she'd made a mistake going for the boring but stable job of a calling agent.

 She'd always told me about how she dreamed of being an interior designer instead, though her mother wasn't having any of it" George admitted to his friend sentimentally, as if he'd experienced the pain and regret himself.

Blake was taken aback at how trusted he was compared to what he first thought, "Thank you for sharing it, then. I see it's quite a topic to discuss" He said softly, sad to see the other so down, "It's fine, I just-" George sighed, "I'm also unsure about everything- which I'm sure you get what I mean?" He finished, looking into the gray eyes where he found comfort in.

 "Definitely" The olive skinned man replied. He then found himself scoffing slightly at his own realization, "Parents know a lot but we never seem to understand half the things they say until it's too late" The said boy quoted himself, voicing his thoughts, "I just hope we don't fall too far down" Blake finished, to which George found his stomach flipping out. we?

Blake seemed to realize what he said and looked at George nervously, but was met with a small smile and tinted cheeks. The pizza place worker blushed too, and it would be an understatement to say they seemed closer since that day. 

They were hanging out at the restaurant more often and, most of the time, the duo would forget they had to study until their last hours of their time together that day. George knew he would regret his soon and that he should stop, but all he thought was, 'So what if I had a little dip in my grades? I'll get it back up in no time'

That was all that was said in the matter as he turned his attention back to Blake explaining why Hamilton is good enough history material reference, chuckling at how passionate the darker skinned male looked.


Not gonna lie, I was a little stumped on what I was gonna put in for the rest of the chapter, since I have summed up chapters written in my notebook, but then also remembered I'm struggling with choosing what I wanted to do for when college rolls around. Decided to incorporate a bit of my confusion and my mother's words on the matter :))


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