The... 'I'm Going To Get Wasted'

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18 year old Camila Cabello lay on her bed staring up at the ceiling

'801, 802, 803...'

Silently she counted, over and over, forcing her brain to focus on the numbers instead of the noise

'810, 811, 812...'

"It's always the same with you Maria!" Her fathers voice bellowed around the large open spaces of their countryside home "Every time I think I can trust you, you pull the same shit again!"

'820, 821, 822, 823...'

As her mothers cries began to fill the family home, Camila reached for a pillow and used it to cover her head, hoping in that moment that she might accidentally hold it there for too long and her parents, if they ever stopped arguing would find her lifeless body, her soul finally free of its earthly confines, the slug like body that she dragged it around in and the putrid atmosphere of her family home that seeped into it and caused it to decay at a far faster rate than any 18 year olds soul should decay at

Crying was her mothers way of deflecting, to turn herself from the villian to the victim

She had been gambling again...

Camila had no doubt about it, her gambling habit, along with her lies were the only thing that could cause her father to lose control the way he was right now

Rolling onto her stomach she reached for her AirPods, placing them into her ears and allowing the heavy metal music to pound into her ears and begin to numb her brain

The feeling of hands on her shoulders pulling her back and then up caused her to yelp out in surprise and she rolled onto her back and then shuffled backwards until her spine was pressed firmly against the black velvet headboard of her bed

"Camila I need money..."


"I will pay you back I swear and don't tell me you're broke because you gained access to your trust fund from abuelo when you turned 18"

"Thats for school..."

"It's just a loan, I'll pay it back, if I don't replace the money I took from papàs account he's going to throw me out"

"He won't throw you out"

"You didn't hear him..."

"I did hear him, I always do!" Camila sighed, thinking about how her entire life seemed to revolve around school or the war in her home

"2000 dollars Camila"


"Camila please..."

"I said no" her mother's hand came out of nowhere, making contact with her face so hard that her AirPod fell from her ear "the answer's still no" replied Camila calmly as she raised her chin in defiance

"He's going to throw me out, our family is going to fall apart Camila and it's all because of you! You selfish little bitch!"

Camila only had time to push the AirPod back into her ear and then pull up the hood on the black band sweater she wore before her mother spun on her heel and then disappeared across her bedroom floor and out of the white wooden door

Reaching for her phone, Camila typed out a quick WattsApp message

'I'm going out to get wasted, who's in?'

The replies came within seconds, all of them confirming their attendance

Camila Cabello was dark and awkward, a lifetime of struggles buried beneath her 'couldn't give a damn' facade but she was also rich and generous, so company on a night out was never in short supply

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